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Eleven year old Petra Parker walked alongside her best friend Harry Osborn in the school hallway. It was their first day of seventh grade, and they were lucky enough to have the same homeroom class. Petra was a relatively thin girl with thick, black glasses and shoulder length brown hair and bangs. She was not popular in any way, shape, or form. On the other hand, Harry was tall for his age, with spiky blonde hair and green eyes. Harry was actually very popular, whether because of his natural charismatic personality or his family's wealth, we will never know. Probably a mixture of both. Despite their differences, the two were best friends since forever.

The classroom was already very full, and there were only two seats next to each other left. Naturally, Petra and Harry took those seats. The two friends chatted quietly with each other until the bell rang and the teacher stood up to introduce himself.

"Good morning everyone," the man smiled. Petra noticed that he had some sort of accent. "I'm Mr. Holland, and welcome to seventh grade. I'm sure most of you already know each other, but incase you don't, take a few minutes to introduce yourself to the people around you."

The classroom became buzzing with noise as students began talking. Petra turned to the person to the right of her, Harry being on the left, and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Petra! I'm from... Here."

"I'm Ned!" The boy said. "I just moved here from Honolulu."

"Honolulu? What's that?"

"It's on Oahu in Hawaii."

"That's so cool!" Petra grinned. "So what do you like to do, Ned?"

Ned thought for a second. "I really like Star Wars."

"No way! Me too!" And thus a friendship was born.

Petra glanced over at Harry, who was speaking to a girl with curly dark-brown hair.

From that time on, Petra, Harry, and Ned became somewhat of a trio. It started off a little awkward, but everything quickly normalized and they were the best of friends. Harry was also fond of Star Wars, so that definitely helped.

Every morning, Petra and Harry arrived at school together. Then they would meet up with Ned in the hallway or in homeroom. Usually, one of Harry's more popular friends, such as Eugene "Flash" Thompson, would make a comment about Petra and Ned being nerds or weirdos, and Harry would either ignore him or retort with an insult of his own towards that person. On the rare day that Harry was not at school, the popular crowd did not hold back in their bullying. 

"They're just jealous," Harry assured Petra quietly one day, "because they know they'll probably end up working at a gas station one day and you'll be insanely rich."

"Thanks, Harry."

"Just being honest," Harry grinned, causing Petra to giggle. 

Ned raised an eyebrow. Oooh, Harry liked Petra.


It was their final day of eighth grade, as well as their final day of middle school, when Harry dropped the news. "This is probably the last time you're gonna see me for a while."

"What? Why?" Petra exclaimed.

"My dad wants me to go to some fancy boarding school."

"Why are you just telling us now?" Ned asked.

"I've been putting it off," Harry admitted. "I just wanted to enjoy my time with you guys."

Unable to take it anymore, Petra threw herself into Harry's open arms. Harry had predicted the hug, having known Petra for as long as he could remember. 

The Secrets of Petra (Parker) StarkWhere stories live. Discover now