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Sometimes, Fate really has a way of aligning things just right. It is as if she takes pity on those who she has thrust into lives of endless suffering and, for once, allows them to have something good happen. Something that will balance everything they've been through. An end to their torment. One such example begins on a Tuesday morning, as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes arrived at the Avengers Compound.

They exited the Wakandan jet in the midst of an argument. 

"Just wait a bit, Buck. Let's get all settled in first," Steve was saying.

"But what if I-"

"You're not going to forget. They wiped Hydra from your mind comple-"

"How can they know that for sure!"

"I trust-"

"This is important to me, Steve!"

Tony cleared his throat and raised an amused eyebrow. "Honestly, it's actually very relieving to hear that the dynamic duo does have the capacity to disagree," Tony (half)joked. 

"Look, Stark, I've got something to tell you," Bucky started.

"But if can wait," Steve finished, earning a glare from Bucky.

"Is anyone in immediate danger?" Tony asked. Both men shook their head in response. "Alright then. Rock, paper, scissors. Go."

Steve and Bucky exchanged a confused glance before doing as they were told. Steve won with rock.

"The Capsicle wins. You can tell me after we get the ankle monitors on and everything situated." Tony led them into the compound. "Welcome to your new home for the next undisclosed amount of time." He opened the glass door to the conference room and motioned for Steve and Bucky to go inside. "Here is where you will be receiving your ankle monitors in... Two seconds. Have a seat."

As promised, after giving the two ex-fugitives a grand tour of the place and fastening the monitors to them, they sat down so that Bucky could tell Tony what he had obviously been holding back for some time. 

 Bucky took in a deep breath. "Back when I was in Hydra, I was assigned to watch over a little girl. Very little. Two or three years old, max. The plan was for her to grow up and become the better version of me, hence her being my charge. I was to teach her everything I knew. When I was away on an... assignment, SHIELD invaded the base and the kid was taken away by them. They called her Autumn. Partly because she was under the care of the Winter Soldier, and partly because her name started with an A."

Tony's eyes widened at the implications.

"This memory returned to me a few days ago. The file. Her name was A. Stark."

Tony stared, jaw slack.

"Crap, Bucky. I think you broke him," Steve said. "Tony, are you alright?"

"What year?" Tony asked.


"What year did she go to Hydra? How long was she there?"

Bucky had to think for a moment. "In the 2000s, I think. 2004? Yeah. That sounds about right. Maybe 2005."

The timeline matched.

The freaking timeline matched.

In a burst of anger, Tony kicked one of the rolling chairs, sending it across the room and causing it to bang against the wall. Steve and Bucky both stood up, alarmed.

"FRIDAY, get Pepper over here," Tony ordered.

"But Boss, she's in a very important meeting at Stark Towers at the moment."

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