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August, 2001

Virginia "Pepper" Potts had been Tony Stark's Personal Assistant for a while now. In fact, he was the one who coined her nick name.

The thing about being a personal assistant is that you spend a lot of time with the person you are assisting. As time passes, fondness builds, and suddenly you find yourself in love.

Well, not you, per say, but Pepper.

As they began their relationship, they decided to keep it out of the public, and most importantly, away the press.

"I've been in the public's eye my whole life," Tony had told her. "I want this thing for us. At least for a while."

Pepper agreed whole-heartedly. She got enough press through working with him, she did not need the extra that came with being in a relationship with him.

Despite how infuriating Tony could often be, Pepper found herself falling for him a little more each day.

December, 2002

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts held hands as they walked through the park. It was nearing midnight, so hardly anyone was there at that time. Plus, it was winter, making it difficult to tell who they were through their layers of clothing, and scarves and hats covering their faces. The only lights came from the street a little ways away and the moon that was directly above their heads.

Out of nowhere, Tony stopped walking. "Hey, Pep?"


Tony released her hand and fished a small blue box out of his pocket. Then he knelt down in front of her. "I know this is cheesy, but you're the love of my life, Ms. Potts. I..." For once in his life, Tony Stark was struggling with what to say. "You make me a better person, and I want to spend the rest of forever with you."

Pepper had a hand covering her mouth in shock. Was this really happening? Tears threatened to fall.

Tony finally opened the box, showing the elegant diamond engagement ring. "Will you marry me?"

Unable to find her words, Pepper nodded. Grinning, Tony took Pepper's left hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. Then he stood up. As he did so, Pepper practically fell onto him, causing Tony to lose his balance slightly before saving them both from crashing to the ground. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and he wrapped his around her waist. Their lips were interlocked in a passionate kiss.

March, 2003

The wedding was a small affair, which was very unexpected when the Groom was Tony Stark. Nonetheless, it was perfect.

It took place in a small church out of state. The only people who attended were Pepper's parents, James Rhodes, Peggy Carter, Happy Hogan, and Obadiah Stane. All of the attendees, plus the priest, had to sign non-disclosure agreements.

During the ceremony, Peggy leaned over and whispered, "James, are you crying?"

"No," Rhodey replied as he desperately dabbed the wetness from his eyeballs with the handkerchief that Happy had offered him. "I'm allergic to... stuff."

April, 2003

"Hot Chocolate?" Pepper offered Tony a slightly steaming white mug.


Pepper hid her grin behind her own mug. A few minutes and a conversation later, Pepper looked inside Tony's now empty mug. "There's something at the bottom," she told him.

"Huh? Wha- Oh." Tony looked up at Pepper and then back down at the mug. Then at Pepper again. Then at the mug. Engraved in fancy letters at the bottom of his mug were the words You're going to be a Dad. "Is this... Is this real?"

Pepper nodded, smiling wide.

"That's amazing!" Tony stood up, lifted his wife from her chair and spun her around the kitchen. "Wow," he said as he set her down. Tony could not deny the wave of fear that he felt at the news. Howard had not been the best example of what a father should be, and Tony was not as good with people as he was with machines. However, his excitement and happiness triumphed over those negative thoughts.

Tony planned to read a lot of parenting books.

November 25, 2003

Keeping Tony and Pepper's relationship private meant avoiding the hospital for fear of the press seeing them. This raised quite the issue when Pepper was ready to give birth at any given day. They enlisted the help of one Dr. Helen Cho, one of Tony's oldest friends. Dr. Cho was a geneticist, not an OB-GYN, but she was the closest thing they had. Peggy Carter also assisted, having served as a midwife once or twice in her younger years.

Tony waited anxiously in the living room of his mansion in Malibu. It had been a few hours since Pepper was rushed to the med-bay, which was required when one constantly worked with dangerous machines. His brain was going at least a hundred miles an hour. What if he was a terrible dad? What if he messed up his child? What if something went wrong during the birthing process. What if-


Tony looked up at the sound of Peggy's voice. He had been pacing. "Yeah Aunt Peggy?"

Peggy smiled at the name. "Do you want to come see?"

Tony nodded wordlessly and followed Peggy into the med-bay. The first thing he saw upon entering was Pepper, leaning against a pile of pillows, cradling a small bundle in her arms. "Hey, Pep."

"Tony," Pepper breathed. "Come see."

Tony moved to sit on the edge of the bed, next to Pepper. He blinked back tears at the sight of the baby girl that Pepper was holding. Their baby.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Pepper whispered.

Tony kissed the side of Pepper's head. "Just like her mother."

"What's her name?" Rhodey asked from the doorway after the new family had finished with their moment.

"Anne Margret Stark," Tony grinned. They had decided on the name as soon as they discovered that their child would be a girl. Anne was for Ana Jarvis, who had helped to raise Tony, and Margret was after Tony's favorite aunt, Peggy Carter.


A man in a suit watched through the security footage as Pepper Potts-Stark transferred the newborn baby into Tony Stark's arms with a slight frown. He had known that this day was coming for a while now, but that did not change the fact that it interfered with his plans. Before, he only had to worry about getting rid of Stark, and now Stark had an heir. He would have to get rid of her as well.

"Enjoy your time," the man murmured. "It will come to an end all too soon."

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