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2008 (Still)

Tony lived, and thank goodness for that. Pepper would never have forgiven herself is he had died. The suit was a little scorched and they kind of started a thunderstorm, but other than that, everything was perfectly fine. Also, Stane died. His suit fell into the arc reactor, causing it to blow up, with him inside it. 

Neither Pepper nor Tony were sorry about that. They both felt betrayed. He was one of the few that they had trusted with their secret marriage. 

When Pepper and Tony reunited, she slapped him in the face. "Don't you ever, ever, scare me like that again."

"I'll do my best." Without thinking, Tony pulled Pepper into a kiss. He could deal with anyone who saw later. 

Someone cleared their throat in front of them. Tony and Pepper pulled apart. It was Agent Coulson. "Am I... Interrupting something?" He seemed embarrassed. 

"Agent Coulson!" Pepper exclaimed. 

"There is a perfectly good explanation for this," Tony said at the same time. 

Pepper grabbed Tony's arm. "I owe him my life, Tony. We should tell him," she whispered.

"After Stane, I don't think I'm ready to be so trusting-"

"Tony, please. Maybe he'll be able to help us find..."

"Fine, Pep. But make him sign an NDA."

Pepper turned to Agent Coulson. "If we could get a verbal NDA? I'll have you sign a paper later."

Agent Coulson raised an eyebrow. "I promise not to tell whatever it is you're about to tell me. Does that work?"

"Yes. You see... Tony and I are secretly married."

Whatever explanation Coulson had expected, that was not it. "You... What?"

"Since 2002."

"How did you manage to keep that a secret?"

"Plenty of NDAs and no PDA?" Tony offered.

"Agent Coulson, the reason we're telling you this is because our daughter was kidnapped back in 2004. We're hoping that with you in the know, you'll be able to help us find her."

"Of course," Coulson immediately agreed, bless his kind soul. "I'll do anything I can to help."


Tony should have known that it would not be simply beating the bad guy and then moving on with life. Especially since the public was aware of the existence of "Ironman." Tony had scoffed at the name, seeing as his suit was actually a gold-titanium alloy, but he did have to admit that "Ironman" had a nice ring to it.

The next day found them at a press conference. Rhodey read the official military statements, while Tony sat in the next room over and Pepper worked on covering his injuries with makeup. Agent Coulson walked up to them with a couple blue notecards in his hand. "Here's your alibi." Coulson held out the paper and Tony took it.

Yes, Tony took the paper. He allowed Agent Coulson to hand him something. From behind Tony, Pepper smiled. This showed that Tony trusted Coulson. Tony only ever allowed Pepper and Rhodey to hand him things. Not even Stane was given the privilege. To be honest, Pepper did not fully understand the reason behind Tony not liking being handed things, but had to guess that it came with some sort of childhood trauma.

"You were on your yacht," Coulson explained. "We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night, and sworn statements from fifty of your guests. Just read it word for word."

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