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Morgan sat at the dining room table, swinging her legs as she ate mac and cheese by herself. Well, not completely by herself. Her Bucky-Bear sat in the seat next to her and Uncle Happy was on a phone call in the other room. Morgan usually ate lunch with her mommy and daddy, but they had to go and fight some bad guys, which was why Happy was taking care of her. 

Happy walked into the room. He sat down in the other chair next to Morgan, opposite of Bucky-Bear. "Hey Morgie, how do you feel about going on a trip?"

Morgan tilted her head. "Where?"

"This place called Wakanda. That's where your mommy and daddy are right now. A magic wizard is going to come pick us up soon."

"Really? Wow!" Then Morgan noticed something. She patted Happy's cheeks. "They're wet? Why are you sad?"

Happy shook his head. "Not sad. Happy. Really happy," Happy chuckled at that. There's a special surprise at Wakanda for you." He stood up. "You done with you're mac 'n cheese?"

Morgan nodded and followed suit. Happy held a hand out for her and she took it. Then they went up to Morgan's room to pack some clothes and toys to take to Wakanda. As promised, around an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Morgan ran down to answer it.

At the door stood a tall man- taller than Morgan's dad- with a red cape. "Are you the wizard?" Morgan asked.

"Actually, I'm- You know what? Yeah. I'm the wizard," the man said. "My name's Dr. Strange. Are you Morgan Stark?"

Morgan nodded enthusiastically.

"Perfect. I'm here to take you and your guardian to Wakanda." Dr. Strange peered behind Morgan, into the house. "Where is he?"

"Here." Happy walked down the stairs with Morgan's Hello Kitty backpack stuffed with essentials- clothes, toothbrush, and toys.

"Alright then." Dr. Strange made a circular motion with one of his hands. As he did so, a glowing orange portal opened up. "After you."

Morgan gripped Happy's hand as they walked through the portal. Morgan gaped at the sight of Wakanda. It was beautiful! Straight out of a princess movie, or something like that. They followed Dr. Strange up a set of stone stairs. Morgan's mom met them half way.

Pepper knelt down and opened her arms up. Morgan ran to her and gave her a hug. "Missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetheart."

"Where's Daddy?" Morgan asked.

"He's... sleeping right now. But I have someone very special for you to meet."


Pepper stood up and held a hand out for Morgan to take. "I'll show you." Pepper led Morgan and Happy through the marble Wakandan hallways until they came to a closed door. "She's a little hurt right now, so be gentle." Pepper opened the door.

Inside the room, a girl sat on top of the covers of a large bed with a phone in her hand. Her leg was in a cast, resting on a pillow. At the sound of the three people entering, she looked up and brushed her brown bangs out of her face. "Hey," she grinned. "Uncle Happy, long time no see."

Pepper stepped to the side and motioned for Happy to walk past her. He walked straight over to the girl and gave her a big bear hug. "Thought you were dead, kid," he choked. "Glad to have you back."

"Glad to be back." 

Then, Happy stepped back and walked over to the door. "I'll give you some space," he told Pepper.

"Thank you, Happy." Pepper picked Morgan up and made her way over to the girl. "Morgan, this is the special person I wanted you to meet. Do you recognize her?" Pepper sat down on the bed, careful of the girl's leg.

The Secrets of Petra (Parker) StarkWhere stories live. Discover now