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When Petra opened her eyes, all she could see was swirling orange above her. She slowly sat up and looked around. Everything was a shade of orange. By everything, Petra meant the ground and the sky, since there was not much else around.

Petra gasped as the previous events came rushing back to her. She died. She had turned to ash in her father's arms. Was this... the afterlife?

Petra stood up. Rust colored fog circled around her feet.


Petra turned around. Dr. Strange was standing a little ways a way with his hand raised. Behind him stood Peter Quill, Drax, and Mantis.

"Oh my gosh," Petra breathed. She ran over to them. She stopped right in front of Dr. Strange. "Thank goodness. I thought I was all alone."

Dr. Strange rested a hand on her shoulder. His eyes were sad. "You're not alone. Half of the universe, everyone who was snapped, is here... Somewhere."

"Where exactly is 'here'?" 

"The Soul Stone."

"So... What now?" Peter asked.

"We find the others."


"Bucky!" Petra cried as she ran to her 'uncle.'

"Petra!" Bucky opened wrapped his arm around her as she hugged him, stepping slightly back from how she literally ran into him. He no longer had his metal arm. "What're you doing here, Autumn?"

"Got snapped away... Half of the universe did."



Being in the Soul Stone was weird. For one, everything was orange. The sky, the ground, the mist, everything. For two, even though there was no wind or anything, everything was always flowing, including hair. It was similar to how hair moves when under water. Their clothing was also usually swirling around, which leads to another thing.

Everyone was wearing white. Petra herself was clothed in a white dress, short-sleeved, calf length. Bucky wore an all white collared shirt and pants, and Dr. 'Just call me Steven' Strange had a white version of the robes that he previously wore. Actually, Dr. Strange was the only one to have a non-white garment on because his red Cloak of Levitation still rested on his shoulders. 

"The Cloak of Levitation has a soul of it's own," Dr. Strange had explained.

They spent a large amount of their time wandering around. It was impossible to tell time because there was no sun or anything indicating the passing of time. Since they technically had no bodies, there was no need to eat, rest, or anything.  

"How long are we going to be here?" Petra asked.

"Not long," Dr. Strange told her. "A month. Then we'll disappear."

"What?!" Petra exclaimed, alarmed.

"Everything is as it should be. Soon, Thanos will destroy the stones with their own power, and we will be destroyed along with them."

"How is that as it should be?!"

"We will be brought back. The Avengers will do what they do best. Avenge."

"How can we be brought back if the Soul Stone is gone?"

Dr. Strange smirked. He actually, truly smirked. "Time travel."

Petra's jaw dropped.

The stone was not that big, so running into people was inevitable. She got to meet all of the "snapped" Avengers, and some of her friends, including Harry, Ned, and MJ. 

The Secrets of Petra (Parker) StarkWhere stories live. Discover now