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With a sigh, Pepper entered the access code and stepped into Tony's workshop. "I'm gonna try again, right now," she told the person on the phone.

"Please don't turn down my music," Tony said, not even looking up. He was too late and the music was already off.

"I'll keep you posted. Goodbye." Pepper hung up the phone. "You are supposed to be halfway around the world right now," she scolded Tony.

"You want me gone so badly Ms. Potts?"

"Of course not." Pepper rested her hands on Tony's shoulders and kissed his cheek. "But your flight was scheduled to leave an hour ago. And it's Mrs. Stark, not Ms. Potts. I thought you'd know this by now."

"That's funny, I thought with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there. Doesn't it kind of defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane if it departs before you even arrive?"

Pepper rolled her eyes at her husband's antics. "You need to get ready, Tony."

"I don't want to go."

"You need to."

"But your birthday-"

"Can wait until you get back. Come on, Happy's waiting in the garage."

"Happy can wait."

"He's been waiting." Pepper gave Tony a quick peck on the lips and then pushed him out of his workshop.


Tony stepped out of the airplane in Afghanistan to the see a group of military men awaiting his arrival. "General," Tony greeted once he reached the bottom of the stairs leading out of the plane.

"Welcome, Mr. Stark," the man responded, shaking Tony's hand. "We look forward to your weapons presentation.

"Thanks. Lead the way, sir."

If there was one thing Tony Stark was good at, it was improvising. He was very good at coming up with a speech on the spot. That was the plan, but instead, Pepper made sure that he practiced his lines.

"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both? With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line." Tony hated the words coming out of his mouth. They were not his own. They were Howard's. "It's a missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsor technology. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it. That's how America does it... And it's worked out pretty well so far.

"Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you, the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves." Tony motioned for the example missiles to fire. "For your consideration, the Jericho." As if on cue, and it was on cue, the missiles hit the mountain behind him, causing a mushroom of dust to rise into the air.

I need a drink, Tony thought. He walked over to one of his cases and pressed a few buttons, causing a few bottles of alcohol and some glasses rise up. Tony poured a glass. "To peace!" He drank.

As Tony walked towards the transport vehicle, he felt a buzzing in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and answered the video call. "Obie, what're you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep 'till I found out how it went," Obadiah Stane said. "How'd it go?"

"It went great. Looks like it's gonna be an early Christmas."

"Way to go, my boy! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"


"Goodnight, Tony." Stane hung up.

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