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Tony stood outside of Avengers Compound, waiting, as a government van pulled up in front of him. An agent exited the car, then slid open the van door. Out climbed Clint Barton and Scott Lang, both in handcuffs. 

"Welcome, gentlemen," Tony greeted. He gave a nod to the agent. "I can take it from here."

"Yes, sir." The agent unlocked and removed the handcuffs from both men, climbed into the van, and drove away.

"Right then. Let's head inside." Tony led the two men into the compound and to the meeting room. "Have a seat," he said, motioning to the chairs. Tony himself sat down. "As you may or may not know, I have been working with the League of Nations to make amends to the accords in order to make them more reasonable. I am working on getting each of the Avengers cleared of their sentences, starting with you two."

"Why us?" Scott asked. 

Tony leaned back in his chair. "Pathos. I appealed to their emotions. You guys have families and deserve to be with your children."

Clint, who was still bitter about the whole thing, frowned. "I don't see why you would even care."

"We used to be a team, Barton. Team members help each other."

"Yeah, well team members don't fight each other either, and yet here we are."

Scott's eyes darted between the two Avengers as if he was watching a tennis match.

"You weren't even there! You just jumped into a battle that wasn't even yours to fight!"

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place!"

"Well that we can agree on, but it still did! You should have stayed away!" Tony stood up and slammed a fist on the table. "You had a chance to be with your family, and you willingly left them! Do you have any idea how selfish-"

"You of all people don't have the right to call anyone selfish!"

"You know nothing about me!"

"I know enough! You're a selfish, arrogant-"

"Enough!" All three men's heads whipped around towards the doorway, where Pepper stood, holding a briefcase. She calmly walked to the table and set it down. Then she opened it, revealing two ankle monitors. "Honestly, you've all been together for, what, three minutes? And you're already arguing."

Scott raised a hand. "I'm not arguing."

"Yes, thank you, Scott. Now Clint, you need to understand where Tony is coming from."

"Pepper, don't-"

"Tony. If anyone can understand the absolute importance of keeping secrets, especially when the secret is of family."

"What are you getting at, Ms. Potts?" Clint asked.

"Actually, it's Mrs. Stark," Pepper corrected.

Clint's eyes widened. "What?" Scott also seemed shocked.

"Since 2002."

"You've been married for sixteen years?!"

Pepper and Tony nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I'm Tony Stark. The media is always all over me. This thing... I wanted to keep it a secret, except for a select few... This is why I'm doing what I can to reunite you with your families." Tony looked away. "I would do anything to be with my daughter again."

"What... what happened?"

"Taken," Pepper told him softly. "She was just a year old."

Clint, who now understood why Tony was so adamant about reuniting them with their families and why Tony was so upset when Clint willingly left them, lowered his head, guilt displayed all over his face. "I'm sorry."

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