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Sunday afternoon, Petra, Ned, and Harry sat on the floor of Petra's bedroom, trying to come up with a plan to move forward.

"The longer we wait, the more likely someone is to get hurt from this tech," Petra said.

"Right," Harry agreed,  "but there's not much we can do without any type of facial recognition software."

"I bet Mr. Stark has one," Ned noted.

"Yeah but if he finds out Petra went after the guys, he's gonna get mad."

"But maybe that'll be overpowered by pride at his protégé for being resourceful."

"And then he'll kill us for letting her get into trouble."

"He doesn't have to know we're involved."

"Wow, Ned, are you suggesting lying to Tony Stark?" 

"Of course not. Just... Not telling him all of the truth."

"Lying by omission."

"Ned's right," Petra interrupted. "Actually, you're both right. The best course of action would probably be to get Mr. Stark's help and he doesn't need to know you're involved because then he will without a doubt get mad."

"So, what, you wait till Wednesday to tell him?" Harry asked. 

"I have his phone number... Well, his body guard's phone number. If I can get in contact with him..."

"Do that then. We gotta solve this as soon as possible, and I'd like to help out as much as I can, but I don't know what I can do once I'm back at school."

"And you're leaving tonight," Ned remembered. 

"Then we better get moving," Petra said. "Let's call Mr. Stark right now." She pulled out her phone and searched for Happy's contact.

"You sure?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, but I gotta do this quickly before I change my mind." Petra clicked on the contact labeled 'Happy Hogan' and pressed the call button. "Here we go."

"Happy Hogan speaking."

"Hi, uh, this is Petra. Parker."

"Yeah. What do you need?"

"Is Mr. Stark busy?"

"He's always busy. What do you need?" Happy repeated.

"Remember that guy with the wings who dumped me in the lake?"

"What about him?"

"I got some, uh, footage because I maybe sorta did a tiny little bit of investigating and I really need to tell Mr. Stark."

"Tell him on Wednesday when you come over."

Petra looked up at Harry and Ned who were both shaking their heads 'no' and silently urging her to stand her ground. "Oh, okay. I'll just go after the guy right now then since Mr. Stark is busy. Don't worry. I'm probably not gonna get dumped in a lake again. But, you know, those alien weapons are crazy, dude. If I don't make it out alive, can you tell my aunt that-"

"Fine, fine. I'll get Tony. Please hold."

Petra pumped her fist in silent victory.


Tony looked up from his workbench as Happy walked over to him, phone in hand. Tony raised a questioning eyebrow.

"It's the Spider-child," Happy explained. "She said she has stuff for you and if I didn't put you on she would go after the guy herself."

The Secrets of Petra (Parker) StarkWhere stories live. Discover now