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As Petra pulled her sweatshirt over her head as she went over what had just happened in her mind. She had been unmasked by Harry freaking Osborn because even though they only saw each other in person once every few months (if even that), he still knew her so well that he saw right through her façade.

It probably did not help that she entered her room in her suit.

And it was not just Harry that found out it was Ned too, and everyone knew that Ned could not keep a secret.

Petra was screwed.

She debated telling Mr. Stark. She wondered if he would care. He did announce his secret identity to the world, after all. Petra figured that as long as she made them swear to secrecy, everything would be okay, and Mr. Stark would never find out how careless she had been. Petra nodded to herself. This was a good plan.

Now fully dressed in normal, civilian attire, Petra stepped out of her closet, where she had been changing. She put her hands on her hips. "Alright, boys. We've got a lot to talk about."

"Understatement of the year," Harry scoffed. Ned nodded in agreement.

"First off, you can not tell anyone that I'm Spidergirl. This secret stays between the three of us. Got it?"

"Got it."

"But what about May?" Ned asked.

"May can never know. She'll freak out, and when she freaks out, I freak out, and it just becomes a big mess."

"Fine. How did this happen? You haven't always been able to climb ceilings... Have you?" Harry seemed worried.

Petra pulled out her wooden desk chair and sat down. She put her head in her hands. "We went on a fieldtrip to Oscorp, and I sorta got bit by a spider."

Harry shot up onto his feet. "You what?!"

"Keep it down!" Petra hissed. 

"You got bit by those radioactive spiders? And you didn't tell anyone!"

"I didn't know at first! Plus, if I did, what would they do to me? Turn me into a lab rat!"

"Maybe my father would be able to find a way to fix you-"

"I'm not broken!"

Ned snapped his fingers. "That's why you got so sick during the tour! The spider!"

Petra shifted her attention to Ned. "Yeah. That's exactly why."

"How do you do this and your Stark Internship?" Ned asked.

"You have a Stark Internship?"

"This is the Stark Internship."


"Look, I'm sorry for not telling you two, okay? But it has to stay a secret. Alright? Promise me."

"I promise," Ned said immediately.

"Fine," Harry conceded. "But I have more questions."

"I know."


Petra bounced on the balls of her feet nervously as she waited for Happy. It was Wednesday, which meant it was her first day of the actual internship part of her Stark Internship. Happy pulled up in the same silver car that they had taken to the airport. He rolled down the window. "Hop in."

Petra slid into the back. The ride to Stark Tower was silent. Petra played Subway Surfers on her phone the whole time. She put away her phone when they got closer to their destination. Stark Tower looked awesome in person. Happy pressed a button on the visor of the car, which opened the underground garage. Then he parked and they got out of the car.

The Secrets of Petra (Parker) StarkWhere stories live. Discover now