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Tony met Happy and Petra at the airport. He stood outside of the car in Happy's usual position. "This isn't right," Tony told his friend. "You're supposed to be the one waiting for me."

"Not my fault, Boss."

"No, I guess not. Come on, let's head to Queens."

After putting their luggage in the trunk, Happy sat down in the driver's seat while Tony and Petra slid into the back. "How was the flight back?" Tony asked. "Everything went smoothly?"

"Everything went well," Petra replied.

"Good. And your injuries?"

Petra lightly touched her ribs. "Should be healed soon. Speed healing and all that."

"That's good. Now, concerning the battle, you did very well. I would have preferred if you had engaged less, but you did good work."

"Thanks," Petra blushed.

Tony nodded in acknowledgement. "Now, straight to business. As you know, the internship is a cover so that you can patrol and go spider-girl-ing. But, it's real too."

"It is?"

"Yep. For your aunt, you will be interning from four to six, no sooner, no later."

"But school gets out at three."

"Yes, but I am aware that you are a part of your school's decathlon team, plus marching band, and robotics. I don't want you to have to quit those. Mondays and Thursdays you go to decathlon before patrol. Tuesdays, robotics. Fridays, marching band."

Petra furrowed her eyebrows. "You saw my schedule?"

"When I was researching you. For the mission."

"Right, right. Okay."

"Anyways, I want you to come over to Stark Industries for your internship on Wednesdays for an hour or two before patrol."

"Really?! Wow, Mr. Stark! That's so cool!"

"You've got the skills, kid. And you're insanely smart, and that's coming from me. I want to help you hone your skills, teach you a thing or two."

"Wow, Mr. Stark. I... I don't... How can I ever repay you? This means so much."

"You can repay me by staying safe, calling me if there's any large level threats, and keeping up with your school work. Deal?"


The car stopped moving. "We're here. Remember, Wednesday after school. Happy will pick you up."

Petra climbed out of the car. "Thanks, Mr. Stark!"

"Don't forget the briefcase!" 

Petra's jaw dropped. "I get to keep the suit?"

"Of course you get to keep the suit."

Happy grabbed the briefcase from the trunk for Petra, who took it. "Wow. I- Wow. Thanks Mr. Stark. Thanks Mr. Just Happy. Uh, I'll see you on Wednesday then. Wow. Bye!" With her dufflebag slung over her shoulders and new briefcase in hand, Petra went up into her apartment.  

Tony chuckled fondly as he watched her enter the building. 

"She's a lot like you, you know," Happy commented as he drove off. 

"Yeah, I know."

"Kind of looks like you too..."

"What are you implying, Hap?"

"You don't think that she's..."

"No. I did a background check. Trust me, I was thinking along those lines too, but Petra Parker was not adopted. All the records are there. Her parents are Mary and Richard Parker..."

The Secrets of Petra (Parker) StarkWhere stories live. Discover now