Chapter 3

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes.It was Sunday so I decided to take kosoka out.I left kosoka and got dressed in my bathroom.After a few minutes I was done.As I was putting my hair up I could hear kosoka whine from my bedroom.I sigh and come out of the bathroom.He looked around for me and smiled when he saw me.

I took off his clothes and changed him into a blue onesie with ducks.I grabbed his diaper bag and I picked him up. I grabbed my keys and started to walk down the sidewalk from my house after locking my door.After a few minutes I was greeted by the doors of the mall.

I walked in and  grabbed a shopping cart.I put kosoka in without a struggle.I then put his diaper bag into the cart.I rolled the chart around while looking at some stores.I Decided on going to a toy store to pick out some toys for kosoka.

As we walk in we're hit with a strong scent of candy and flowers.Kosoka smiled at this and looked at me.I started to walk down the aisle with baby play toys such as blocks,rattles,ducks and other baby like things.

I picked out a pack of building blocks and some rubber ducks.I handed the pack of ducks to kosoka.He gladly took them and started to shake them.I smile and continue getting more toys.

"Katsuki"I heard a voice call my name.I turn my head confused on who's called my name.My eyes widened as I saw a person I didn't expect to see.

Auntie inko had called my name."Aun -Auntie what are you doing here"I stuttered out.Why was auntie inko here I wondered.I was pulled out of my thoughts as kosoka grabbed the back of my sweater.

"Papa"Kosoka said while yanking my sweater with his small hands."Papa?"I heard aunt inko repeat.I panicked a bit but I decided to just show her.

I turned around and took kosoka out of the cart.I turned back to auntie and showed her kosoka.She gasped and started the stutter on her world as she tried to form questions.

"Auntie why don't we go back to my place and I'll explain"I explain then turned to put kosoka back in the cart.I finished getting what I needed and started to head back home.

On our way back I was explaining how I met kosoka and about it will effect my school life.To say she was surprise was a understatement.As we got to my house I took out my keys and unlocked my door.

We both took off our shoes and walked insided.I put my bags on the table and walked to the living room with auntie.I put kosoka down on the floor and he immediately crawl over to auntie.

He started grabbing at auntie dress and pulling himself up.He started to take slow steps and walk to the other couch that I walk sitting on.As soon as he reached the other couch he used the end of the cushion to walk over to me.

"What a smart baby"Auntie said while clapping her hands for kosoka."Thank you auntie"I responded."Thwnk"I heard kosoka said.I looked down at him as he looked up at me and smiled.

I clapped my hands while praising kosoka.I kissed his small head and he snuggled up to me.I must of been smiling like a goof ball because the second I looked up at auntie she was smiling.

"Oh!I never got to ask what you were doing inside a child play store"I wondered as auntie started to blush."Well you see katsuki i've never told izuku this but yagi had proposed about 3 months ago"I was shocked.

Auntie then proceeded to tell me about how the wedding been going and how she  been with him and how she having her first child with him.I was more shocked then before,but my real wonders were on deku"Auntie,why haven't you told your son"I asked and she sighed.

"I haven't told him for his safety,I mean imagine the world finding out that all might is your step dad.Do you know how many villains would be after him"I could sense the panic in her voice as she spoke

Her eyes were in tears and she was letting out a distressed scent.I let out a calming scent and reassured her"He'll be fine.isn't that why he went to the hero course after all"I said to her while calming her down.

She thanks me and we talked a bit more before she had to go.We say our goodbye and she leaves.I go over and grabs my school bag and complete my homework.I went to the kitchen after and gave kosoka a bottle.

He drank it and he fell asleep I felt sleepy myself.I laid down and put kosoka on my bed letting him finish his bottle.I changed out of my cloths and into a black t-shirt and some sweatpants.I tiredly walk over to my bed and got in it.I wondered if anybody will question kosoka.I drift off to sleep thinking about how the school will take the news about kosoka being my child.


YES!We had it through 2020 sorry this took soooo long tho but I guess the wait was worth it huh?Anyways I'll let you guys know when the next chapter will be out

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