Chapter 4

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I woke up and groaned.My head was banging inside from thinking my self to sleep.I yawned and got out of bed.I walked to my bathroom and started to get dressed.

After a while I was almost finished and I was putting on my white school shirt before I felt a tug.I looked down and saw kosoka grabbing there fabric of my pants."Now how the hell did you learn to get out of the bed"I said bending down to pick him up.

When he was met with my face he took his hands and softly smacked both of my cheeks."twanks"kosoka said as he continued to smack me.I finish putting on my school shirt and walked back into my room.

I payed kosoka down and changed him into a white onesie.I picked him back up and went downstairs.I put on the baby carrier and put kosoka in it.He started to bounce up and down in the carrier while laughing his but off.

I chuckled at his antic and grabbed his diaper bag and my school bag.I walked out of my house and locked the door.I started to walked down to ua.But on the way there I ran into Frog face and pink cheeks.

They saw me and started to make there way over."Good morning bakugo/bakugo san"they both said as they approached me.I turned around to look at them forgetting about kosoka for a second."Aw what a cute brother you have bakugo"Pink cheeks said as she started to pinch his face.

"He's my son"I Complained.They both stopped and looked at me"W-What did you say"Frog legs asked.I repeated my self again.They both stood back for a second.They looked at me then him then me again.

"T-That YOUR son"Frog face exclaimed while pink cheeks was alright in the air.I sigh and explain the story to them while walking to the school.By the time were almost there I've already told them the story and told them to keep quiet.They agreed to keep silent as long as they can ask more questions later.

By now kosoka went to sleep which was good because if anybody asked I would say it's an omega class dummy.I walked into school and I walked into my class.My first class was omega 108 so I had a good excuse to have him.

I took out a buildable high chair and set it up.A few people who knew me were confused on why I put my baby in a high chair.I tell them that he's my son and they.go.Crazy.

They asked me a whole bunch on questions about kosoka and I tried to answer the best I can.The teacher came in and started our quick lesson.After about half an hour we were through with our lesson and had the rest of the time off.

By now kosoka has woke up and wanted to get out of the chair.He started to bang on the tray of the chair rapidly while chanting"Out out".I grab him and put him on the floor.He crawled over to me and grabbed my leg to stand.

Everybody had eyes on him.He left my leg and started to walk around.He was exploring the room as everybody in the class watched him.He didn't mind though.After a while he got bored of exploring and came back to me.

By then it was time for class to end and I had packed the high chair backed into the bag.I slowly got his diaper bag and held his hand.We said goodbye to everybody and walked out of the class.I was thankful that our class ended for everybody else's.

I walked kosoka and me down to the teacher lounge to eat lunch.When I got there I took a seat and sat kosoka down in my lap.I took out our lunches and we stayed to eat.I had some leftover spicy soba while kosoka had light yogurt.

After a while we got done eat and kosoka had a lot of energy.I still had training with a few of my classmates that already knew about kosoka.I picked him up and put him in the child carrier.Since he was hyper he just bounced off some of his energy as we walked.

Once we got to class I set kosoka down and let him play with some blocks I had in the bag.I did however put him on a light backpack that had a baby leash.I talked with some of my classmates.

I wondered why class-A hasn't been anywhere around the school.Then I remember that they had a training field trip.I wasn't invited based on last time and I was to stay here and train.

It made sense so I didn't really mind.The only reason that frog face and pink cheeks were training here is because they were omega.I hated the fact how people treated omega but then again I did like the affection once in a while.

I finished talking with the girls and walked over to a barrel of nitrogen.I put my hands in it and started to train my quirk.When I was finished I could see kosoka to the side of me.He looked up and smiled at me and put his hands up.

I smiled and said I was head home.I grabbed our stuff and made my way back to my house.I grabbed my keys and unlocked my house then relocked it.

Me and kosoka played,learned,ate,baths,and slept for the rest of the day.
Sorry it took soooo long again..I'm trying to get back in the habit of working on school.Sorry again

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