Chapter 7

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Bakugou POV

After school has ended I started to pack my and kosoka bags.I put him in the baby carrier and started to walk out of school.Before I hit the exit somebody was calling my name.

"Kachaaan!!"whoever whined out.I turned around only to see deku as he was running up to me."What'cha want nerd"I asked him plainly as he caught up to me.He just asked if we could walk home together.

I said sure and off we went to our houses.On our way there deku kept playing with kosoka,saying how cute he is and how small he is.

Kosoka just kept laughing and giggling.As zzz we kept walking deku had to go.We both said bye and I continue walking to my house.

But unfortunately for me I had decided to take a short cut which was a dangerous idea but I had to get home before kosoka gets cold.

As I started to walk down the ally I had gotten a strange feeling that I was being followed but I couldn't confirm it so I just kept walking down the alley.

As I almost got to the end I felt a sudden hand grab the back of my shirt and swing me around onto the wall.My back shivered as I hit the hard bricks wall.

I opened my eyes to see a weird guy.He was bald and pretty big If I had to say."What the hel-"I was cut off by the mysterious guy putting his hands above me.

Tw:Mentions of Death
He then pulled a knife out of me.I tried to use my quirk but it wouldn't work.I growled in an attempt to get the attacker off by it didn't work.

He put the knife closer to my hands before stabbing into my left palm.I whine in agony.As I tried to use my legs to kick him.I guess he didn't like that cause he pushed the knife deeper into my palm.This timed I screamed.

Kosoka pov
I was just playing with my chew toy before I felt a bad sprit.Just as I was about to whine papa was pulled back into the wall. I looked up at papa and tried to get his attention.

But then papa started to whine and I felt something drip down his arm.I didn't like it,not one bit so I started to squirm.I then hear papa scream.

I didn't like this either so I started to whine.I guess that caught whoever this guy attention cause he looked down at me.

I remember his face pretty well.That was my uncle.I could remember his gross face anywhere.I hated him.Not only was he the one who would beat me along with my other family but now he was attacked my papa!

While he was trying to recognized my face I spit all over his.He groaned and cover his face.Papa by now pulled his hands away from the uncle and started to run.

I had to admit for papa to be carrying my baby bag and running with a bleeding hand is impressive.I could hear my uncle yelling at me saying that he'll get me.I whimper as we felt he scene.

When we got home papa had changed me and feed me;but he couldn't get that look of fear off his face.It scared me honestly but I couldn't never forgive my uncle.Papa's hand was patched up in some sort of white material.

While papa was burping me I could feel that me was less tense.I finally burped and I started to drift off.Papa turned out the lights and put me in the bed as he changed himself and got in.
We both fell asleep.

Third POV
Kosoka and katsuki were asleep.Kosoka start to squirm in his sleep.Moving from side to side before stoping completely.On one side of kosoka there was another version on him.

But unlike it this wasn't kosoka,instead this was a body full of rage.Rage which could talk control.The rage of kosoka was much smarter then him but was stubborn.

His rage escape the 2 store house into the night alone.only to come back and merge with kosoka once more.

I have been brain dead for the last months not to mention getting things ready for events.

I really do feel bad for saying that it was gonna be done when it wasn't....but now I can actually work on this story as freely as I can

I hope u guys aren't dissatisfied...

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