Chapter 9

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On my way to school I couldn't stop thinking of the train accident.Dammit!Why did my omega just have to try and court Monoma.My face was still blushing but it had cooled down a little."Papa!!!"Kosoka yelling had caught my attention.

"Yes kosoka"I answered"juice please"I stopped to take out his juice bottle and handed it too him.He happily sucked on the bottle.As I reached the school gates I inserted my Id card to enter.I used the elevator to get to the 3rd floor.By then my face has cooled down.

"Bakubro!Hey"I heard a yelled voice.Turning around I was met with a red spiked hair dumbass.I could tell he was in a rush.His hair wasn't finished drying and even tho it was spiked up,it looked to be falling apart.

When he finally caught up to me we talked and talked for getting to class.Ever since I've had kosoka I've been keeping my temper under control.After class I was through the halls when I smelled something.Something......nice.I followed my nose to a classroom.Surprisingly it was Vlad King's Classroom.

I peaked through the small window they had.It seems they were doing a scent test(Aizawa class was doing a makeup day so everyone without any assignments were free to leave).They had a list of students on the board and a check by each one that has went;and what a coincidence,Stupid Neito was a few Fucking turns next.

I decided to stay and try to find out who scent that I smelled earlier.A few students went and some of there scents were pleasant some were shit.when I was starting to get bored it was Neito turn.He ate something and his scent released.Good Almighty his scent.I could see why my omega wanted to court him.He smelled like a freshly new car or as if you just washed laundry.

He glanced over with his eyes and stared directly into me.Only problem is it wasn't a normal stare but instead an Commanding stare.From what I remembered from aizawa sensei said,An alpha command stare is one of many things they can do.It allows an alpha to command any one under them to their will;but only if the underparty has courted them.In which case I let my omega did.

My omega wanted to listen to the command so I did.I left and went to take care of kosoka.He was drooling all over this teething ring.I couldn't believe I actually listened to him!I was blushing red from embarrassment and covering my face.I wanted to crawl up into an nest and sleep forever;but his scent smelt wonderful.I wanted to go back and get another whiff but I know he would tell my omega to leave.

After school

As I walked to the train to go home I smelt a familiar scent.Dammit monoma!He quickly caught up to me and walked beside me.
"So what was that about in class huh"
"Tell me"
He must of had a horrible time cause when he said that he used the commanding stare."Accidentally ran into"i stuttered out.He grabbed my hand and locked onto them.He gave me a little lick on my cheek then pulled me to the train station.I was blushing while kosoka was asleep.My omega was happily purring which outside caused me to purr as well.

He chuckled loudly as we made it too the train.
AhVHBBGJn this chapter is sooo late sorry!!!! But I'll keep them to 500 words for faster update!

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