Chapter 1

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Bakugo POV

I was walking away from school for the evening and everything sucked!First we have training homework to do and I don't feel like doing it,then the "bakusqaud"kept asking me dumb questions and getting on my nerves.Also not to mention my stupid class kept coming up to smell me cause I smelt like Carmel.I hated today and also everyday of school.

My thoughts were interrupted by a noise,but it wasn't any noise.It was a cry,it sounded like the cry of an infant.I look around only to find an ally.

As I walked down the ally the crying was getting louder every step I took.When I got near the end of the ally I could see a cardboard box.When step I front of it and saw what was causing the noise.

The baby had snowy white skin and black hair with now glossy golden eyes.It looked at me and stopped crying.I stared at it as it watched me.

It started to make grabby hands at me as it looked like it was gonna cry again.My omega instinct kicks in as  I picked the infant.

He was little then a normal baby should but I didn't know how long he,d been there.I looked down to look at the infant and it looked back at me.

It was shivering as I held it and it's lips were cold.I couldn't just leave the baby there too fend for itself.As I looked at it one more I felt my heart start to beat.

I turned around and started to walk out of the ally and continue to walk home.While I walked I started to heat up the baby with my quirk.

When I got home I layed the baby on the floor in the living started to make grabby hands again and it started to whine.I quickly picked it back up again and held it to my chest.

"Jeez your still cold,how long had you,d been there"I said looking at the baby.I started to walk to my bathroom and start warm the water in the tub.I didn't run a lot in case the baby would drown.

After I was done bathing it I could see it more clearly.It started to squirm in my arms as if it was wanting something.

I went back to the kitchen and started to look around for something too feed it.I didn't find anything though."ah shit"I mumbled "what do I feed you since we don't have any baby food"I said looking at the baby

I brought it closer to my chest as I started to think about it's Heath.My thoughts were interrupted when I felt something at my shirt.I looked down at the baby in my hands.
(Breastfeeding warning)

As I looked at the baby I could see what it was trying to tell was sucking on my white school shirt and clawing at it with it's fingers.I remember in our Heath class that it was normal for omega to breastfeed there youths.

I blushed at the though and walked over to the couch."I hope this works"I mumble as I slip one hand from under the baby and moved it to the rim of my shirt.I quickly pulled the rim of my shirt up.Not even a second later it's mouth attached to my nipple.

I speak at the sudden action.I looked down and saw the baby drinking from my chest.after a while it stoped sucking and I heard soft snores.I sighed and pulled down my shirt.

"I guess I'm keeping you"I said and looked up at the ceiling.I decided to just sleep on the couch until tomorrow.I felt my eyes start to droop and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I didn't see the infant on my chest and started to panic.I quickly jumped from the sofa cushion and started to look around.A used my nose to try and find a sent and got one.I followed it to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen I saw the infant holding on to the near end of a chair and taking small steps.It turned its direction to me and it smiled.It held out its hands and started to try to walk towards me.

I started to calm down as it make is way to me,button only took one step before it fell.I ran over to it and picked it up.It didn't seem to cry but instead started laughing.I smiled at it before I wondered something.I hadn't given it a name nor founds out it's gender.I though for a second about it's gender and a name for it.I let out some of my scent and looked at it.

It cuddles up to my chest,unknown Releasing some of its scent.It smelt like cotton candy.I could tell that it would be an omega.I then put my hand on its stomach,i could tell it was a male.

"What should your name be then"I sighed and take out my phone and start to look up names for him."Ko"He babbled out."Ko?"I repeated after him."Ko,Ko"he continued to babble out.

I though of a name"kosoka"I snapped my fingers"I'll call you kosoka,you little brat"I say as i unknowingly let Out a happy scent.Kosoka laughed at the name and snuggled deeper into my chest.

I giggled and walking back to the living room.I sat kosoka on my lap and i turned on the tv."I need to call mr.aizawa"I though as kosoka stared at the screen.

I reacted into my pocket and pulled out my phone and texted him,asking if him and nezu could come to my house tomorrow.They replied with a sure.I sigh and look at kosoka.He was nibbling on my fingers.

I smile at his action and lean my head down to kiss his forhead.He turns and looks at me for a second.He smiled and went back to nibbling on my finger.I chuckle and say still watching the news with kosoka.

Hello!sorry for the Looooonnngg chapter I just had to get the ideas out for the first chapter since I'll have more time to write since it's also Christmas break :)


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