Chapter 5

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I woke up and started to get ready.I knew this was the day I was going to have to show kosoka to the class.Not gonna lie I was hella nervous.

Not only am I gonna have to get used to the change of them I'm also gonna get nervous for his quirk.Even tho he's a toddler,if he can say short works and walk then his body is growing faster then other

I'll probably only be a matter on time before his quirk appear with the speed he's learning at.I sigh as I fished getting dressed.I walked out and changed kosoka into a black onesie

He woke up still drowsy as I brought him to the kitchen for some food before we left.I grabbed some cut strawberries that I had in a bag from yesterday and put them in his diaper bag.

I grabbed my coat and walked out her door with my stuff.By now kosoka was bouncing in the carrier as he was excited.I chuckled as his shenanigans and continued to walk.

While I saw getting close I heard a faint voice call my name
."go....Kagou......BAKUGO"I heard 
the voice get closer and fast.I turned around to see it was Mina.She waved at me as she ran up to me.When she reached me she stopped to caught her breath.

She eventually caught her breath and was going to look at me before she spotted kosoka.She smirked."i see you got caught with baby duty"she laughs"so,whos kid is it"i sigh"mine"i say

She did the same thing as frog face and pink cheeks when they found out.She started to ask a lot of questions and I answered some of them,and the one I didn't answer I was busy looking at kosoka.

When she was done asking questions,we were at ua.I decided to leave kosoka with allmight so he can be ready for when he and auntie have their child.

Lucky he was already at the gate so I didn't have to go into school."Ah! Young bakugou,I see you have finally made it"He said waving his hand toward me.

Kosoka was giggling and sucking on his fingers while looking at all might.I took off the baby carrier while allmight held kosoka by his waist.

I went behind him and strapped the baby carrier to him and handed him the diaper bag.He thanked me and walked into the building with kosoka."aren't you worry for him"Mina asked me as we waited a while.

"Oh I am"I smirked and pulled out my phone.She leaned over to look at my phone."I may be angry but I am good with devices"I said to her opening an app.

She looked at me confused,I sigh."I placed a tracking device in the bottom of kosoka onesie,It's like a mood ring to tell me where he is and how he's feeling"I said

She looked at me shocked,probably at the fact that I could use technology very well."Time to get going alien"I told her walking into the build.She followed me asking her to tech her technology some

I replied with sure but it wouldn't be easy.She understood and said it was okay.We arrived at class and she opened the door.Aizawa was sleeping as normal and everybody else was chatting their asses off.

I sigh and walked over to my desk.I took out my phone and checked the tracker.It showed that kosoka was having fun,His heart rate was normal and the tracker could tell he was giggling.I then get off the app and start to play with my phone

A while later

I  remember kosoka giggling and I smiled at that.I was about to put my phone away before I noticed something.The tracker gave me a notification about his heart Rate.

It had started to increase,this made me confused and I started to stand up.
I looked at the door as I heard a faint giggle down the hall way.I walked over to the door and opened it.

By now aizawa was awake and looking at me as well as everything else."Kachan is everything alri-"Shut it deku"I cut him off.I was looking outside the door at the corner of the hall.

I then hear the giggling getting closer and I soon saw what was causing it.Kosoka was running down the hall,giggling his little but off.

I could see allmight chasing after him as he got closer to the door.I walked backwards and sat on the floor cross cross,like a little kid.

Soon enough kosoka was in the door way and ran straight into me,causing me to fall over onto my back."Pwpa Pawa"Kosoka chanted

"Kosoka,baby what are you doing here"I asked him"Hwungy"He said as he lift himself back up.I picked him up as well as my self."Alright let's get you something to eat"

By now allmight was at the door panting,I walked to him and took one of the bottles out his diaper bag and the bag of strawberries.I walked back to my desk and sat down with kosoka in my lap.I gave him the bottle and he started to drink.

I remember I was in class and decided to look around.Everybody was looking at me  as if I had something on my head.Then shitty hair decided to speak"Hey bakubro,Who is that"He asked as he got closer

I sigh and stood up around while holding kosoka in a rocking position."This is my son,kosoka"I said letting out an scent of caramel to lure kosoka to sleep.

Silence....It was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop..That was...

Before the class shouted

Happy Valentines Day humans!
if you looked at my announcement I'll tell you when the next chapter is coming out!Also some of you have noticed that the chapter has been published twice then unpublished.This reason is because my phone is not working with me rn.I apologize...I hope you enjoy


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