Chapter 10

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Bakugou pov

DAMN IT THAT WAS EMBARRASSING!!!MY OMEGA PURRED AT HIM.PURRED.!!!I was still freaking out about me purring.My subgender was known for purring at things or people they liked. For instance monoma or spicy scents.I'd even know to chirp if I get into it.Chirping was a way omega expressed their obsession with love or if they really liked something.It's rare to see an omega chirp at items or potential mates which is why it's so special.

Kosoka had woken up by now and was jumping around like he had a bowl of sugar.I had given him some fake keys,still embarrassed about my purring.I was supposed to be a strong omega but I'm turning into more of a girly housewife.I felt ashamed of my self since I shouldn't be acting like that.

Kosoka must has smelt my disappointment cause he started to talk or more like mumble "dada" as if he was calling me.I looked down at his face to see he was about to cry.I grab a hold on his keys and shake them but it didn't do anything.If anything it made it worst.

He started to whine before whimpering then full on crying.I tried to stop his crying with anything;Keys,ducks,balls,even tried shushing him but it wasn't working.Some other people were looking at us cause his crying wasn't quiet.He was a toddler after all.

"Give him here"I heard a voice from behind.I turned my back to see monoma but he looked tired.I gave him Kosoka and he gently patted his bottom while rocking him slowly.Kosoka was reduced to small sniffles and started reaching out towards me again so I took him from monoma.

After a few minutes I received another lick to my cheek which made me blush again and my scent became a more chipper one,one of oranges and citrus.Monoma chuckled and sat down in one of the seats before pulling me onto his lap.It took me a moment to process what happened but by that point my omega was already purring;But surprisingly his was too.

Everyone by now was looking at us.Alpha purring sounded more like growling but softer so it was hard to tell.I looked behind me seeing him laidback and purring.Kosoka was looking at me mumbling about pictures of fruit I showed him.I purred as a laid back again him waiting for the train to stop.
Now arriving at #### Station

The sudden stop had awoken me.I didn't even realize I fell asleep.As I tried to get a look at my surroundings I notice that monoma was holding Kosoka and swinging him.Kosoka bursted In fits of giggles ever time he did.They stopped and looked at me "Papa!"Kosoka said reaching his tiny arms out towards me.

I got up and accepted him in my arms.I had already got our bags.I bowed to monoma and was heading to leave but before I could he grabbed my wrist pulling me into his grasp."Get home safe my princess"He said kissing my Forhead before letting me go.He waved goodbye as the train took off.I took still,looked at Kosoka,then back at the train that had left already before walking home.

Embarrassed again....and contempt to want more of him
Finally done!I'll try to update more!and continue to write other stories

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