Part 15

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You let out a huff as you pulled yourself up another wall. The aching pain gripping your body only exacerbating the exhaustion in your veins. Sucking the hot, dry air of Dathomir in through your teeth, you stood to your full height.

The familiar crackling of the comms rung through your ears and Cere's smooth voice embraced your senses. "Have you guys found the tomb?"

You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Maker, I wish." Cal snorted as he patted your back in solidarity.

"We, uh, got a little sidetracked." The boy let out tiredly. Deciding to keep the journey on track he led you through the hostile landscape.

You hear Cere sigh. You could practically see the deep creases in her forehead as she rubs it out of frustration. "Greez is acting strange."

"When is he not, C." You comfort her, knowing how intense your companion can get when he's out of his element.

Her next words put you on edge again, the hairs on your neck standing straight. "He swears he saw someone outside the Mantis. Dathomir's getting to him."

Your old friend, nausea, made its home in the pit of your stomach as all possible scenarios raced through your mind. Sure, Greez could be a little too paranoid for your tastes, but the pilot had a remarkable intuition.

Before you could get too wrapped up in your anxieties you heard your partner speak up. "Pretty sure that's who he is." His curt response pulling you from your thoughts.

"Are you alright?" Cere questioned, concern lacing her words.

"Just peachy." You quipped. You nudged a small rock out of your way, the worn leather of your boots contrasting against the red rock.

"We're coming out of a Nightbrother village now. Hoping to get back on track." Cal answers the woman, a much more coherent answer than your moody grumbles.

At this Cere audibly relaxed, her tone much lighter than before. "Sounds like you're handling yourself."

Cal shot you a tired smile, the bags under his eyes evident.

When did those get there?

Your face scrunched at the observation. You decided you didn't like the look of exhaustion on his face, not suiting his otherwise cheerful face. Though, you could understand how all the pressure and responsibility that was thrust upon him so suddenly could start getting to him. You, yourself were also starting to feel weighed down.

"Yeah, we got this." He stated, offering you a gentle pat on your back.


You passed by the bridge you had fallen through earlier, noting the lack of the strange man's presence you had encountered earlier that day.

"No sign of that crotchety old man. Good." You nodded to yourself, deciding not to spare a second thought to suspicious elder.

Cal kept walking, hot on your trail. "I wonder if the Nightbrothers got him." He asked out loud.

Your eyes spotted a few stray Nightbrothers in the distance. You waved a hand over your shoulder. "You worry too much about others Red. You should worry more about those Nightbrothers ahead of us."

Unsheathing your lightsaber, you made quick work of the archer that was perched high above you. Extending your hand, you pulled him towards you, effectively putting him out like a light.

Glancing back, you spot your favorite red head walking towards you. The unconsious bodies of his opponents in the background.

"Well that was easy." You smirked, twirling your weapon around your skilled fingers before sheathing it back on your hip. He patted your head lightly as he walked past you.

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