Part 9

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Zeffo was a beautiful planet, the lush vegetation reminding you of Bogano. Coruscant had little to no greenery, it was a nice refresher from the places you had seen up until this moment.

Currently you and Cal were taking a break, recharging both your stamina and energy. It was good that you had packed food and water, all the running and jumping had tired you out and made you famished. As you finished your snack you sat up, and closed your eyes.

You felt a pair of eyes on you, cracking open an eye you saw Cal staring at you. Feeling embarrassed, you turned your back to him.

"Stop staring at me, you creep." You muttered, straightening your back. You felt Cal snort and crawl over to you.

"You're trying to meditate! Does that mean you're going to use the Force?!" He exclaimed, a huge goofy smile stretching across his freckled face. Your face flushed. Trying to smack him, you yelled at him.

"Stop it, Cal! It's not funny! I tried meditating before, it didn't work. I'm just-" He held your arms, leaning against your back to get a look at your face.

"Ohhh, so you're telling me that you meditated wrong? Let me guess, you couldn't focus and it took a long time to even sense the Force, huh?" He teased, the smile still etched onto his face. By this point your face had gone completely red, annoyance and embarrassment evident on your face.

Taking your silence as an answer, he cackled. A loud and deep hearty laugh coming from his gut, you felt it vibrate against your back. Your face felt hot with embarrassment. Wiping fake tears from the corners of his eyes he calmed down.

"Are you done? I swear you're a child." You rolled your eyes so hard that if you didn't know any better you would've guessed that they rolled into the back of your head. Turning to him he started laughing again.

"Oh man, I-I'm sorry. Okay, okay. Here, face me." He took your hands in his, sitting on his knees just like you. Clearing his throat he settled in, allowing silence to take over.

"So first, you're going to close your eyes and clear your mind. Any thoughts you have, just acknowledge them and dismiss them." Following his instructions you managed to calm down and reach that serene state you did the first time.

After awhile of comfortable silence, you felt the Force.

Cal spoke softly, "You feel it don't you? Now that you feel it, center in on it. Reach out to it and envision it physically flowing through your body. Envision yourself using it as you used to, as if you're unlocking parts of yourself."

Doing just as your companion said, you focused on it. Allowing it to flow freely through your body and out. Imagining yourself unlocking your previous abilities and using them. As you did this, you felt your body get lighter. As if a weight was lifted from your shoulders.

"Great, great. Now, open your eyes." Cal spoke, using his thumb to stroke the top of your hand.

Opening your eyes, you were greeted by your friend's face. A soft, loving smile on it. He helped you stand up and pointed to a rock.

"Force pull it, since it seems you're stronger with that ability." You bit your lip, your heart beating erratically. You started to tremble, your palms sweating.

Noticing this, Cal grabbed your face softly, gently forcing you to look at him. You held onto his arms, looking into his eyes.

"Cal, I-I don't know if I can do it, what if I mess up?" You whispered, still feeling anxiety course through your veins.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're okay. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, we can deal with this later. Okay?" He assured you, calming you down. You shook your head.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order | Cal Kestis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now