Part 14

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The ship lurched out of hyper space. A red, hostile looking planet appeared within view.

You looked at the planet with disdain, "What a hunk of rock." You expressed, an air of disgust to your words.

The ship landed on a cliff, giving you a clear view over the landscape. It looked deserted and rundown, something straight out of a horror movie.

Before you, stood a decrepit and dilapidated structure. The mark of a previous era of civilization etched into the horizon. Various native plants had grown over the rock and the harsh climate had chipped at the details.

You took off your headset, setting it down on the console below you.

"On the ship. Indoors. I got walls. I got Jedi. I'm fine. Yeah..." Greez muttered to himself. You patted his shoulder in comfort as you walked out the Mantis with Cal.

Cere was outside already, taking in and observing her surroundings. Her eyes landed on you and our companion, calling you over.

"You've two come a long way since Bracca, but the path is far from over. I want you to know the difficult challenges ahead." She warned as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Shifting uncomfortably , you looked between the two Jedi. Cal sighed. "We can handle it." He defended.

Cere turned her attention to the boy next to you, "I know what you can do, I'm not denying that. And I know what has to be done . I've done it before. Cal, even the strongest of Jedi..."

Cal gripped his fits, "We're not Trilla. We'll be fine." You winced as he mentioned Cere's previous Padawan.

He didn't need to say that...

"I know you're not. I didn't say that." Cere expressed, struggling to find the right words.

You stepped forward, trying to calm the tension between your two friends. "We're not asking you to say anything. It's okay, C. Really ." You assured.

You felt uncomfortable. You weren't usually the one to mediate an argument or calm people down. In fact, you were usually the one starting the confrontations. The sudden shift in your role made you confused on what your role even was on board the Mantis.

Cere sighed, relaxing her posture. " Just be safe, you two. That's all."

With that the conversation ended. The both of you left the woman behind, walking into the planet.

Walking side by side with Cal, BD-1 hopped off Cal's shoulder. The small droid walked over to a slab of stone, scanning the engravings with his blue light.

You and the boy knelt beside the droid, looking at the various carvings.

"Looks like the Zeffo were here." You stated, raking your fingers against the aged stone. Cal hummed, looking around before standing up.

"Strange. This place seems abandoned but..." He started. Before he could finish a green mist swirled behind you.

You turned around quickly , taking hold of your lightsaber. The mist formed a hooded figure. Clad in dark robes and luxurious jewelry, the stranger stepped forward. Their face became illuminated by the light.

Her face was an ashen pale color, gray markings stretching across her face. Every hair on your body was on its end, a creeping suspicion making its way up your spine.

The woman's demeanor was making you feel nauseous, she seemed like a caged animal. The same stance you saw in Trilla.

"You trespass, Jedi." She spoke, her thick accent slurring her speech. Cal stood in front of you, shielding you from the stranger.

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