Part 8

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The air was hard to breathe in, ash and other debris polluting the air. You pulled up your scarf over your nose, effectively blocking out the harmful particles. Spotting Cal and BD-1 as they made their way over to the Mantis, you crossed your arms.

"Hey guys." Cal greeted.

Cere nodded her head in acknowledgement, "Cal, good to see you back in one piece. Mari Kosan contacted us. We know you couldn't find Tarfful."

"I love risking our lives for nothing. It's fantastic." Greez mumbles, obviously unhappy with the results of Cal's expedition. Cal turned his attention to him.

"It wasn't for nothing. Mari and Choyyssyk will come through." He stated, optimism laced his words. You admired that about him, optimist and hopeful even in the face of evil.

"Like your optimism, Red. We could all use a little of that." You complimented.

Greez eyed you, "Hey, I'm a positive guy, too. I'm positive that if I die, I'll be very upset." You scoffed.

"Yeah, very positive, alright." Cere ignored the both of you, continuing her conversation with Cal.

"You did good, Cal. We might not've found Tarfful yet, but you saved lives today. Don't forget that." The boy thanked Cere, following you as you entered the ship again.

He approached the hototable.

"Yeah, now you're thinking. Let's get outta here." You playfully smacked Greez's head as you walked past him. You watched as Cal set a course for Zeffo, you eyed him weirdly.

"Back to Zeffo, huh?"

"The Empire might have found a Zeffo Tomb. We can't waste any time." Cere responded, urgency in her voice. You shrugged, taking your place and putting on your headset again.

Greez smacked his lips, "Pity. Heard about a high stakes game from one of Saw's fighters. A few extra credits couldn't hurt, y'know?" You smiled, typing away at your console.

"Oooh, sounds fun. Maybe once all this is over we can play a few games." You offered, Cere gasped.

"Gambling?! Greez, Y/N, use your heads. One of these days the Haxion Brood is going to catch up with you." You covered you mouth.

"Oop-" You looked between the pair. You never left any loose ends, you knew that if you did it would just come back to bite you in the ass later.

Greez laughed, "Those slubs? I'll hear 'em coming from a parsec away."

"Yeah? I seriously doubt that one, Greezy." You teased, still typing away and looking at the scanners.

Cere scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I don't need you guys' gambling habit causing us more trouble with murderous criminal syndicates." She scolded like a mother.

"You're right, I know. Just wanna blow off some stress every once in awhile, y'know? Anyways, all of that is in the past. I'm sure it won't be a problem." As soon as he said that you just had this feeling that he had jinxed it for everyone. It's like saying "How could this get any worse?" and it getting worse.

The ship jumped out of hyper space and came up on Zeffo, landing on the same runway strip as the last time. The white snow glimmering in the light. You hooked on your belts as Cal opened the door to the outside.

"You're coming?"

You smirked, hooking your lightsaber onto your hip. "And let you have all the fun? No way, Red. Plus you'll need someone to save your ass." You stated, playfully punching his arm.

Waving goodbye to Cere and Greez, you started your journey with Cal.

The landscape was barren, only the occasional Scazz getting in your way. Which Cal swiftly got rid of.

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