Part 6

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Stumbling into the ship you steadily set Cal on the couch, careful not to hurt him. He hisses as he hits the couch, BD-1 quickly jumps on his lap, worried about his friend's health.

"Don't worry BD, I'm gonna be okay." Cal stokes the droid, calming it down. You pay no mind to the pair, only focusing on tending to the boy's wounds and too distracted by what had just happened to talk. Carefully pulling the gauze tightly over the wound you apply some ointment and finish up dressing the area. Checking around to make sure there weren't any other injuries you sit back and sigh, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"You moof-milker, how the kriff did you get shot in the leg?" You rub your face, the adrenaline in your system wearing off and the fatigue seeping back into your bones. Fixing your hair to tame it you watch as the boy in front of you just shrugs offering you a sheepish smile. You scoff at his childish action, getting up to head to the cockpit. You walk past Cere and Greez to sit in the co-pilot seat, sinking into the plush chair you look at Greeez.

"Nice work out there, kid. Hey, you got some real moves on ya. Ha!" Greez congratulates you. "Just tell me that this visit wasn't for nothin'." He adds seriously. You roll your eyes, pressing buttons to fire up the ship to leave.

"I found the tomb of a Zeffo Sage! They definitely used the Force." Cal stated, now leaning against the doorway. You swiveled the chair to face him, as did Cere and Greez.

"An advanced civilization of Force wielders who mysteriously vanished. No wonder Master Cordova became so obsessed with them. What else did you find?" Cere spoke up. Cal moved to the extra chair in the cockpit, having a hard time sitting down because of his injury.

"Before they disappeared, the Zeffo journeyed to the planet Kashyyyk." As soon as Cal said that Greez groaned, already getting ready to set a course. You elbowed him, giving him a side eye. Turning back to Cal he continued. "Cordova have a Wookie friend named Tarfful. Maybe we can find him?" As soon as he finished you turned back around and faced the screens in front of you.

"Kashyyyk, I-look, things are really bad down there. The-the Empire's muscling in on those Wookies big time." Greez explained, hoping to persuade Cal. You saw Cal's face drop, getting ready to defend himself. You elbowed Greez again.

"Then we better get ready for a fight then." You smirked, typing on the systems in front of you. Greez looked at you slightly offended, bur stayed quiet nonetheless. Cal's face lit up, then stood and headed to the kitchen, Cere gone after him.

You slowly stopped typing, staring off into nothingness.

"I used the Force." You said out loud, making Greez turn to you.

"You what?" He asked incredulously, you had clued the Latero in on what had happened to you. However, you never told him out right, he just knew that you cut off from the Force.

"Y e a h, I know. I used the Force, and it felt great." You confessed. It did feel great, you felt vigor and a type of confidence you never have before. You felt more connected to the Force than ever before. You were about to keep talking before Cere and Cal walked back into the cockpit. BD-1 hopping up onto your terminal, beeping away.

"What? What's that thing saying? I don't know why people have droids." Greez quickly said, changing the subject. You chuckled reaching out to pet the droid, making sure it didn't fall when the ship lifted up.

"Tell that to him, he can understand you." Cere playfully stated. Greez looked at the droid.

"He can?!" The droid replied in a series of beeps. You laughed.

"Look, I didn't mean anything by it. Droids just freak me out." He defended, not wanting to look like an ass.

"What doesn't. You sound like an Imp. The deactivate droids just because they can. That makes him one of us." The woman scolded. You just sat back and watched as the two bickered, with the occasional interjection of the droid. You saw Greez's embarrassment and chuckled.

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