Part 11

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You had to take yet another ferry downwards, needing to head into another set of caverns. The machinery made a loud scraping noise as it descended further into the earth.

Your gear made small clinking noises as you adjusted it tighter to your body, your harness equipped with various weapons. You giggled as BD-1 tilted his head, curious at the objects you were holding. You shook your head,

"No, I'm still mad at you for yesterday." You expressed, bending down to fix your boots.

Cal looked over at you, fed up with your fidgeting. "Are you, okay? You're moving around a lot." He asked, leaned up against the metallic wall.

You laughed nervously, and straightened up. "Yeah, I guess I'm just nervous. Something doesn't feel right." Cal walked over to where you were.

"I noticed it earlier, this feeling in the pit of my stomach. At first I thought it was Greez's cooking. Now it's getting even stronger. I think the closer we are, the worse I feel. It can't mean anything good." Cal confessed, his voice soft and submissive.

You hummed, frowning. "Oh, come on. Greez's cooking is good! But, yeah. I know what you mean. The more we push forward the more nauseous I feel."

It was true, even before landing on Zeffo you had been on edge, everything just felt. Off. As is something out there was telling you to be careful, that something bad was going on.

Before you could speak up again, the ferry came to a halt. The sudden force lurching you forward, almost tipping you off balance. The doors slid open, you were sure that if you were in a cartoon, ominous music would've have started playing.

You felt your stomach churn, and the bile shoot up into your mouth. You swallowed it, not wanting worry Cal.


Walking out, you looked around at the large cavern. Imperial architecture all around you, yet, abandoned. The Empire didn't abandon much, especially not something as important as Zeffo.

The excavation site was a ghost town, so quiet you heard as the water dripped down the stalactites. Pushing down your increasing anxiety, you walked into an elevator, as it was the only way to go anywhere.

As the machinery descended, you felt sick to your stomach. Your head spinning and vision blurring.

Everything yelled at you to go back, to not keep going. You grabbed onto Cal's arm as you bent over, heaving. The doors of the elevator opened, revealing your biggest enemy.

The Second Sister.

Just the sight of her made you throw up, the bile burning your throat and spilling out onto the floor. Your heaving just got worse, feeling a panic attack coming on. The room spinning and losing your balance, you hit yourself, in an attempt to snap out of it. The pain grounding you.

You stood up, your head held high. Gripping your lightsaber, your knuckles turned white and stared down the Inquisitor, a burning rage festering in your core.

"Cal Kestis."

"Y/N L/N"

As she spit out your name, your anger wavered. That horror infecting you again, you ignored it though, not wanting her to feed off of it.

"How predictable. Oh, yes. I know your names...Your pasts... and most importantly, about Cordova. Tell me, where did he hide the holocron?" She spilled, threatening you with just her stance. She turned around, confident she wouldn't lose this confrontation.

Both you and Cal lowered into a fighting stance, igniting your lightsabers. If you were going to die, you would die fighting.

Hearing the buzz of your weapons she looked over her shoulder, "Outstanding." Igniting her own weapon.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order | Cal Kestis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now