Part 5

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The cool air on Zeffo nipped at your exposed skin, making the tips of your fingers and nose feel numb. You hadn't expected it to be so cold, the lack of a poncho or warm coat just exacerbated the feeling, yet you were still seated on one of the various cargo boxes outside the Mantis. The stifling atmosphere of the ship made you feel like you were suffocating, the thick tension between you and your crew mates making it so.

Why did you always have to mess things up?

You sighed heavily and looked off into the distance, the mountains hiding behind the fog catching your attention. You couldn't believe you had snapped like that, you had always just pushed down any type of emotion or weakness down, with the life you lived it could've gotten you killed. Growing up around thieves and smugglers you quickly learned that anything but selfishness and levelheadedness got you killed, or worse. Then again no one had struck a nerve like he did.

Maybe if you had just gotten over yourself and used the Force you wouldn't have had to deal with all this, with Cal. You spotted a small rock placed almost perfectly upon another crate in front of you, a thought quickly flashed through your head.

What if I just...


You couldn't, not after what happened to him. You promised yourself that you wouldn't. It was too dang-


The sudden noise of something splashing behind startled you greatly, of course you had to be outside alone on a planet that had heavily Imperial presence. Great. You turned around quickly, feeling around for something on your belts to defend yourself with. Grabbing your blaster you aim it at the figure responsible for the noise. You were ready to blast the creature with holes without asking questions, something you had picked up in your early years. Finger on the trigger you caught a glimpse of fiery red hair and a small droid. Realizing who it was you studied them closer. Seeing Cal's wide eyes and raised arms you slowly lower your weapon, averting your gaze back to the rock.

Seeing you turn back around Cal carefully approached you, swinging his body up onto the cargo box to sit beside you. You eyed him curiously. Deciding he was too close for comfort, you inched away from him. After a while of comfortable silence and the low whirring of BD-1's machinery he followed your gaze.

"Soo, that's a cool rock..." He offered, ignoring the small droid when it beeped in response. You scoffed, shaking your head. He was so childish.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking for Cordova or something?" You questioned. Feeling naked as he analyzed and scrutinized your appearance, suddenly becoming very aware of your unkempt hair and dark circles. Looking at anywhere but his face you found sudden interest in the rock again.

"Back on Bracca I had a friend. After the Purge he was probably the only person I tru-" You rolled your eyes.

"Listen Kestis, I don't know what you're getting at but just because you share your feelings doesn't mean I'm going to. I know it's water under the bridge for insulting you and all that, but I'm not ready to talk about, that..." You explained to the boy sitting next to you. He hummed, turning his attention from you to the rock you were currently focusing on.

"Yeah, I get that, but you're going to have to at one point Y/N. I tried hiding from the Empire, but it found me anyways. I... I guess- I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I guess I'm saying that you can't run from the inevitable. I know it's hard to move on, but you have to..." He trailed, you took into account what he said. In a way you understood what he was trying to say. After a while of you not responded he sighed, hopped off the box and started walking off. You observed him before speaking up.

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