Part 2

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Life on the Mantis wasn't always the easiest, it was actually kind of boring. Nothing to do except talk to Greez when Cere was too busy on the comms. Sometimes you and the Latero would sit at the kitchen, telling stories over meals and having the time of your lives. At first Greez's stories were incredibly entertaining, but there's only so many stories one person could have. So now the days in which stories weren't being shared, consisted of you sleeping to pass the long stretches of time between hyperspace jumps. And today was no different.

You were currently sat at the couch again, your arms laid across the back of the seat and legs crossed. Mulling over what had happened a few hours prior you had completely spaced out again, unaware of your surroundings when suddenly your mind was invaded by thoughts of Cal. He reminded you of yourself, a child lost in the midst of a war. Whose livelihood and innocence was violently ripped away from them, who had to mature much faster than a child ever should. He also reminded you in that even though you were now an adult and a hardened criminal, that deep down you were just a child terrified out of your mind. Soon, anxieties started to flood your mind.

Could you really restore the order? Could Cal? What if the Empire beat you to it? Questions and doubts raced through your mind a mile a minute. Not liking where your mental state was headed you decided to annoy Greez. Still sitting down you yell out to the short creature.

"Greez! Greeeezz!!" A loud clang came from the back of the ship, from where the cabins were and soon out came your beloved pilot.

"What do ya want, kid? Can't you see I'm busy?" He states, his lower set of arms sat comfortably at his hips, the upper set gesturing at you. You grin at him, clearly amused attention fact that you're inconveniencing him.

"Actually no I couldn't, but what I can see, is that I'm bored. Come on sit next to me, what do you think of the newbie?" You scoot over, allowing Greez to sit next to you. As he sits, you can see him think hard on his answer.

"Well I don't really know, just met the kid. He seems ok, like a nice kid ya know?" He explains to you. He had a point, Cal had only been with you for a few hours and now he was in the spare bed dead asleep. Ruffling your hair you shift in your seat uncomfortably. Greez eyes you curiously.

"What's up Y/N? I haven't seen you this off put since, well, ever." Greez moves to look you in the eyes. You shake your head and let out an airy chuckle, you highly doubt Greez could ever understand. How do you confide in your friend that you see a reflection of yourself in Cal. That deep down you doubt Cere and her ambitions, that you doubt yourself and everything you believe in.

"It's nothing Greez, I'm fine. I guess I'm just stressed." You rub your face in irritation. Your eyes suddenly feeling heavy and your shoulders tense. Greez seemingly satisfied with your answer stands up.

"Yeah, alright Y/N. You know I'm always here for ya... I'mma go check on the kid, I think I hear him messin' around back there." He spoke softly. You gave a curt nod, bidding a 'see you later' to Greez. A few minutes later, Greez walked back into the cockpit, Cal close after him. The young red head stops at the small coffee table, eyeing Cere's guitar. Picking it up he sits in the seat adjacent to you, taking a moment before strumming its strings gently, yet expertly. You eye him curiously, how did anyone who grew up on a ship wrecking planet know how to play a guitar? Hearing the tune Cere came out.

"That song... I wrote it, years ago. You touch an object and witness events connected to it. You feel its history." Cere states, looking at Cal with wonder and awe. He shifts in his seat, setting the instrument down gently.

"It's an... echo in the Force from the object." Cal hesitantly starts out.

"Not many Jedi have that skill." Cere sits down close to Cal, feeling like a third wheel you decide to speak.

"Yeah Cal, psychometry is an extremely rare and powerful Force ability. I wish I had something that unique." You tell Cal, moving closer to the pair in front of you on the couch. They snap their heads to look at you, almost as if they had just realized that you were there the whole time.

"How would you guys know that?" The young boy asked wearily, not liking the fact that both you and Cere were poking around his Force connection.

"I was once a Jedi-"

"Padawan." You interjected Cere's sentence, raising a hand as to identify yourself.

"But not anymore." She finishes.

"Do I know you two?" Cal asks, hope laced in his words yet again, just like when he first came on board.

"No. But I knew your Master, Jaro Tapal. He was a true guardian of the Republic." You watched Cere intently, observing her as she reminisced over better times. You and Cere were very different people, you were brash and unapologetic she was patient and serene, yet you could relate to her more than you'd like to admit. You also missed your padawan days, when you were blissfully ignorant to the slowly crumbling world around you.

"He was a hero. Listen... something happened to me during the Purge. I survived, but... my connection the Force is damaged. When I meditate, if I let my guard down, I lose control. It's like I'm in that moment when-" Cal starts, looking back and forth between you and the women next to him, his lip quivering. Obviously uncomfortable with the idea of opening up about his past.

"You survived, Cal. And you're not alone. Not anymore." She looks him straight in the eye, millions of words and emotions being exchanged yet none actually being physically expressed. She looks at you, the look in her eyes softening. Cal's eyes following her line of sight. You offer him a soft, knowing smile in return. Letting him know that another person was on his side.

"We're comin' up on our destination." Greez's gruff voice coming on through the ship's intercom. You look up, in feign acknowledgment that the conversation had not only ended but in acknowledgment of the pilot's words. You all stand up, heading to the cockpit ready to make the final jump to Bogano.

Walking down the ramp with the other two 'Jedi', you take in the view of the beautifully serene planet. The warm and gentle rays dancing on your skin. The Mantis was great for your needs, but being on actual soil for once was nice, even if it was all muddy.

"This is Bogano. A Jedi I knew discovered it before the Purge. You won't find it on any maps." Cere speaks with diligence and preciseness, you always did admire that about her.

"The Empire doesn't know this place exists?" Cal exclaims in disbelief. You couldn't blame him, after all the Empire always did find a way to infect and get their hands on everything.

"No." Cere confirms.

"So? What's the plan? We... hide out here?" He questions, not knowing the full reason as to why you were all here in the first place. Cere turns to look at you, you snap out of your daze, again.

"Oh, sorry..." You mumble, getting the hint you walk up to the pair. "We're done hiding, Cal. Look, you see that structure over there? Well, we believe that Vault holds the key to rebuilding the Jedi Order. But, uh, we kinda need someone whose strong in the Force." You explain to the boy in front of you, your hands poised at your hips.

"And since you're not Jedis anymore, that's why you need me." He spits, implication behind his every word. Cere decides to step in, she was always better with words.

"I know you don't trust us, and I think I speak for both Y/N and I when I say that I'm not really sure we trust you. But we have a common enemy, and a common cause. I'll share more of my plan after you reach the Vault. But, until then, there's someone here I think you should meet." She looks at you knowingly, turning to head back into the Mantis. Guiding you back in with a hand on your upper back.

"May the Force be with you." She comments, not looking back. You however, crane your neck back to meet Cal's eyes. Final farewells being exchanged. As soon as the doors close behind you and the former Jedi next to you, you turn to her.

"You think he's up for it?" You inquire, your anxieties manifesting again. Cere pauses for a brief moment, processing your question. She sighs before meeting your eyes.

"He's my- he's our last option, Y/N. I would've chosen you, but-" She leaves the meaning of her words up for interpretation as she walks away. You knew what she meant, a pang of guilt lashing harshly at your heart.

You could only put your hopes onto Cal now, the fates of every innocent being depending on him.

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