Part 16

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Voices all around you faded in and out.

"What the hell happened?!"


"Greez, take off damnit!"

The voices progressively got louder and louder, to an unbearable point. As if someone was shouting in your ear, shadows moved rapidly all around you as a sense of urgency took hold of you.

You grimaced at the bright light being shone into your eyes, your pupils constricting in a futile attempt to adjust to the light. Catching a glimpse of Cere's horrified face before slipping back into unconsciousness. The warmth of the void beckoning you towards it, it's comforting melody lulling you back to sleep.

Soon, images of bygone memories flashed before you; the laughter and joy of children playing, fierce battles, adrenaline filled chases. All circling you in a swirl of hazy mist before abruptly stopping, vibrant hues etching themselves into the darkness of the void around you, their colors welcoming you into the novel landscape as you surveyed the new environment.

A soft breeze caressed your cheeks as it danced through the air, carrying with it the familiar stench of pollution. Making your way to the edge of the platform you were standing on, you looked beyond the trees to look at the metropolitan landscape. You lifted your head, spotting the traffic of various ships overhead, making their way into the bustling, lively city. You immediately recognized your home planet, Coruscant.

A sense of familiarity and nostalgia washed over you like a blanket of comfort. Running a hand through your hair you leaned on the railing of the platform and took in a deep breath, not caring for whatever debris there was in the air. The metallic hues and shimmers glittered under the Sun like the morning dew on plants after a rainy night, making the otherwise ugly landscape breathtaking.

The few moments of melancholy were cut short as you heard a child's giggle accompanied by heavy foot steps. You hid behind one of the many potted plants lining the edge of the glass railing, the gold leaves doing their best to conceal your figure. The source of the sudden noise soon identified itself.

A small child in earth colored robes and a much older person in similar clothing walked out from the building. They walked alongside each other, their hands tucked in their sleeves as they made their way down the long pathway of the platform. You listened in on their conversation, hoping to get a clue on what was happening.

"Hush now my dear padawan. We don't want the other Jedi having their meditations interrupted do we? These are the meditation balconies after all." The older man whispered to the child, running his hand affectionately through their short hair.

The child pouted, but nodded nonetheless. "Yes, Master Whydall. But, I don't understand why we came all the way up here."

Your eyes widened in shock as you slapped a hand over your mouth.

Was this another flashback?

What was the purpose of these?

Inching your way closer to the pair that you had now come to now as your Master and his padawan, you listened in further.

"Well, my dear. Patience is a virtue. Wait and you'll find out. Won't you?" Whydall responded, a graceful and kind smile gracing his otherwise rugged appearance. The calm attitude of the male contrasted that of his junior, the youngster only growing more frustrated at the lack of an answer.

You gave the child a once over, and upon closer inspection you realized it was you. It dawned upon you, this was a memory from before the Purge. Before everything fell to ruin.

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