Part 12

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The pounding in your head was killing you, a strong throbbing pain resonating within your skull.

Fluttering your eyes open, you were welcomed with a strange sight. Not surprised at the fact that you woke up in a strange place, you sat up.

This is getting ridiculous...

Rubbing your head to ease the throbbing pain, you looked around for your companions.

"Red? You okay? You muttered out.

Not getting a response, you looked around again. Quickly realizing you were alone, you looked down.

Okay, no Padawan robes...

No weird ghosts...

You pinched yourself, trying to see if you were truly dreaming.

Ow! Okay, definitely not a dream...

Reality had quickly set in, the gravity of your situation becoming very evident. You scrambled up, rifling through the room.

Spotting metal bars that granted you access to the outside, you tried to look out into the hallway. The corridor was barren, the lights barely shedding any light. You groaned, not very keen on the idea of being held captive.

You stood back, running at the door with full speed and ramming into it. The metal didn't budge an inch, though you were sure it had left you with a gigantic bruise. Not wanting to give up, you kept ramming the door.


and over...

and over again...

Many attempts later you were left with a sore and pained arm, "Ugh! Stupid kriffing door!" You groaned.

Looking around the room again you found nothing else, the door being the only entry and exit to the cell. You kicked at the ground in frustration. Maybe you could slice the door with your lightsaber.

Reaching for the weapon you found nothing, in fact all of your gear was missing. No camping gear, no knives or blasters, or anything.

At least you still had the Force...

You focused all your energy into pushing the door, when the door didn't even dent you raked your hands through your hair. You sat on the ground, hugging your knees to your chest.

Your mind couldn't think of anything but your friend, thoughts of what they could've done to him racing through your head. The crippling loneliness being the only thing keeping you company. You hit your head against the wall.

Was this the end?

You started tearing up, the thought of never seeing Cal again making you incredibly sad. You snuggled into his poncho, his smell still ingrained into the fabric.

Not having anything to indicate what time it was, you had lost track of time. It had felt as if you had been in your cell for an eternity.

You found the strength to get up, looking through the small cracks between the metal bars of the door. Footsteps in the distance had caught your attention.

"Hey! In here!" You yelled, your voice hoarse from not using it. The footsteps had stopped, then picked back up again. As they drew nearer you thanked the Maker.

"Y/N?!" A familiar voice called, your heart soared as you realized who it was.

You reached through the bars, "Cal?! Is that you? Over here!" The footsteps picked up the pace, drawing closer and closer until you were met with your friend's face.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order | Cal Kestis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now