Part 10

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Groaning, you shifted uncomfortably. The ground you were sleeping on felt cold and hard, with your eyes closed you felt around for the soft fabric of the mat you had set down. Not feeling the fabric underneath you, your eyes shot open.

Scrambling off the ground, you observed your surroundings. You found neither your friends nor your belongings anywhere. Standing up you began to wander around the room, the room reminded you of the Jedi training quarters back on Coruscant.

A voice resonated throughout the room.

"Good morning, young padawan. Are you ready to begin your training for the day?" A window appeared at the very top of the room. Getting a clear view of Master Whydall ,you looked around some more. Banners with the Jedi insignia appearing on the walls around you.

Gulping, you looked back at Alehum. "Uhm, I guess?"

You heard your master chuckle, "As shy as always aren't we, Y/N? We'll have to work on that, later. For now try to reach Patdev." Suddenly various platforms came out from the walls, a clone trooper appearing on one of them.

You remembered this. Patdev was your right hand man, the clone you were closest to. This was the day that you had learned Force push and stasis.

Analyzing the situation, you tried to figure out how to get to the clone. Using your pull ability, you pulled a platform towards you, hopping up on it. You kept pulling platforms until you were half way towards your goal. Suddenly there was a vertical slab in the way.

"Focus padawan, you can do this." You master encouraged, you had missed this. You wished you could go back, maybe you would've still met Cal if none of this had happened.

Focusing all your energy into using the Force to push the platform you managed to almost trip off the platform you were standing on.

"Careful, Y/N. You wouldn't want to have to start all over again, would you?" Alehum warned.

Again, you closed your eyes and aimed all your energy into the metallic surface. Managing to push it forward, creating a path for you to continue.

Whydall clapped and congratulated you, "See? You should learn to have more confidence in yourself. You're capable of great things."

Wiping off the sweat on your forehead you pushed forward, determined to complete your task. Now, instead of static platforms, they started moving. You quickly figured that you had to slow down the slabs and create a bridge to the trooper.

You shifted your weight.

This is going to be significantly harder than just pushing or pulling...

'"Right you are, young padawan. This will be much harder, however once you learn these abilities you will be able to move onto more advanced abilities." At this your ears perked up, you had forgotten that you had been paired with your master specifically because of your abilities.

Both you and Alehum had the ability to influence other's thoughts and actions, and on occasion peek into their minds. An ability The Order had presumed you inherited from your parents. Before the the execution of order 66, you had barely begun to expand on your special ability.

Shaking your head, you turned your attention back to the task. You imagined the platforms slowing down, almost to a halt. Closing your eyes again you extended your hand, just like Cal did. Opening your eyes you managed to slow the object down on the first try, though the timing was all wrong.

Looking up at your master you saw as he shook his head in disappointment. "Try again, Y/N."

Repeating your previous action, this time you had succeeded at lining up the platforms, quickly making your way across to the trooper. As you reached your colleague, he bent down to high-five you. You accepted, smiling at the clone.

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