Part 13

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Greez sat a plate down in front of you. The blue-milk waffles and eggs were messily plated, and a cup of blue milk sat beside the plate.

"Thanks, Greez. This looks great." You gave the short male a curt nod.

The Latero waved you away, turning back to the food he was cooking.

Cal came out from the back of the ship, joining you at the table. You smiled at him, your face flushing slightly. Cal smiled back at you as Greez set down another plate in front of him.

"Hey." You said shyly, your heart was fluttering as you remembered what happened last night. For some reason, now that you had realized you liked Cal, he appeared much, much more attractive to you.

"Hey." He repeated, an even wider face adorning his freckled face. BD popped up behind him, the small droid sitting next to you on the table.

You pet the droid, looking at Cal. "Y'know, he kind of reminds me of a cat. But, also a dog?" You stated, however before Cal could respond Cere came into the kitchen from the cockpit.

"We've landed on Kashyyyk. Whenever you're ready, head out. Good luck." She wished farewell before locking herself away in her own room.

Cal stood, pushing aside his plate." You looked up at him and raised a brow.

"You're not gonna eat?" You asked, still eating your food. Your friend shook his head, resting his hands on his hips.

"No, I gotta get going. C'mon, you can eat on the way." You set your fork down, swallowing your food.

You laughed nervously, "Heh, about that- I'm gonna stay behind today, I need to talk to Cere." You explained.

He stood still, using his arms to lean on the chair. "Are you sure?" He asked. He gave you puppy eyes, trying to convince you to join him.

"No, no. I have some serious stuff to take care of, seriously." You explained, reaching out to hold his hand.

He groaned lightly, leaning forward to give you a kiss on your forehead. "Alright, alright. I'll see you later then."

Your face flushed as he kissed your head, touching the spot lightly. "Stay safe, Red." You mentioned.

You watched as Cal left the Mantis, a fleeting worry crossing your mind.

He better not get hurt...

Shaking the worry away you were pulled from your thoughts by the voice of a certain person.

"Still, 'just friends'?" Greez teased, sitting next to you with his own plate of food. You scratched the back of your neck, not sure of what to say to the pilot.

"Greez. I'm- listen, it's complicated. We talked. We decided it wasn't the right time." You explained, not wanting to let on more than you had to. Greez nodded as he took a bite of his waffles.

Swallowing, Greez spoke his mind. "Just, don't get hurt. I can't take anymore of this- this tension between you guys." The Latero explained, his voice softening towards the end of his sentence.

You averted your gaze. He was right, the tension between you, Cal, and Cere was on the rise. It had been putting a strain on the dynamic. That's why you had stayed behind, you wanted to clear up things with Cere.

You sighed, deciding you were no longer hungry. The conversation churning your stomach in an uncomfortable way, in a way that made you stressed beyond belief.

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry Greez, we're all just stressed cause of- cause of all this kriffing nonsense. I don't even know if we're gonna be able to pull this stunt off. I mean, the entire Empire is after us!" You exclaimed.

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