Okay | Chpt 34

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What's up?


(y/n)'s POV

"There you are sweet pea," the nurse said, placing a new bandage on my arm. The scratches from crashing into the tree were shallow but scribbled on my face like haphazard crayon. Upon visiting Jirou and Hagakure in their rooms, a nurse had noticed my injuries and insisted they just clean me up a little. I had lost my father in the mess, him having to take blame for the attack and the disappearance of their most aggressive student. Mic was with him, leaving me by myself again. Last night had been...the worst. I glanced up at her, recognizing her as one of the nurses that had helped my dad after USJ.

"Thank you," I said. She pet my hair, checking at my face again. The tree bark had cut the deepest in my left cheek, meaning that one would stay covered with a bandage and the rest could remain thin red scabs.

"It's good to put a little ice on your head, clear up that headache," she stating, having read my mind. "I'll be back." She disappeared and I sat idly by, letting out a gentle breath. The door opened again with a singular knock and I glanced in that direction.

"Hey, you okay?" Sero asked, rather than the nurse returning with the ice.

"Oh...yeah," I replied. He approached with a gentle smile, placing a hand on the side of my face. He kissed the temple above the bandage on my left cheek, pulling up a chair in the room. It was still really weird to consider that we were dating. Technically speaking...we weren't. We had gone on one date, promising to go on another, while I was still here not over Kaminari.

"I didn't see you after Kaminari and your dad," he said. "Nearly passed out on the bus. I wasn't even a part of anything and I was still so exhausted from stress. Kirishima is going through the ringer right now with Bakugo gone..."


"What happened to you? People are wondering. We've pieced together everyone from the class," he said. I paused, more shaken up by the fact I had killed someone's clone than the fact I had been attacked. I was more shaken up that other people had been injured than myself. I was torn to pieces after my father had left me alone. There were so many things about his job and his life that I knew nothing about.

I had yet to even speak to him about what happened.

I hadn't told anyone.

"My dad said he needed medical people to heal those who had been injured. He took me with him towards the edge of the campgrounds because I had my scarf with me, the one he gave me. He told me to stay there while he tried to retrieve people so I could heal them faster, and he told me to hide or go back to the building if someone came near. A clone...of the tall burnt one with the black hair came at me, saying something about the boss not minding if I was brought back too. I guess since I'm the kid of the class 1-A teacher. I don't know. I think the clones aren't as great as the original because I...killed it. He burnt me and I shot my scarf at him, not really being able to see, and he used it to pull me into a tree," I explained, pointing to my face. Sero just listened. "Then I wrapped my scarf around the clone's neck and just...pulled really hard."

"Oh..." Sero said after a shocked pause.

"I wanted to go back, but the lizard one was fighting in the way. I went to hide, found Aoyama, then spotted Jirou and Hagakure," I said. "It was clear and we headed back with them."

"Here we are!" the nurse said, returning with a plastic bag. It was tied at the top with small cubes of ice inside. She handed it to me and I placed it on my head. "You're free to go sweet pea."

"Thank you,"

"No sweat," she said, gesturing to the door. She started tidying up as Sero followed me out. I looked his way, seeing that he wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the floor, his eyes shifting slightly as if he was trying to calculate something. Make sense of something.

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