Invisible | Chpt 29

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(y/n)'s POV

"Hey dad have you seen my uniform tie?" I called out, stepping into the lounge. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Shinsou standing awkwardly by our coffee table. "Uhh, hello."

"Hey," he said.

"Do you know where my dad is?"


"Great," I replied, giving him a tight-lipped expression. I shuffled into the kitchen, seeing my tie over the chair. I forgot I had taken it off playing cards yesterday afternoon. "Hey, care to explain why Shinsou is in our lounge?"

"He's going to walk you to class today. I just brought him from early morning training," my father replied, making himself a cup of coffee. I raised an eyebrow, slipping the pre-tied tie over my head.

"Weird, but okay," I scoffed and he followed me back out into the lounge. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're cheating on me with another child."

"Haha, very funny," he mused. Shinsou seemed uncomfortable at the moment.

"Sneaking out to see him, dad I thought you were better," I said, giving him a side hug.

"Just get to school."

"Fine," I sighed. "I see how it is."

I let myself out, Shinsou following behind. I tucked my key in my bag, walking in the slight lead. Shinsou lagged a step, even though he was taller.

"So my dad is training you? How come?"

"My quirk wasn't really good for exams. I didn't make it into the hero course," he muttered dully. It was quiet after, Shinsou not bothering to elaborate.

"I know I'm not the most social person, but you can talk to me. I won't bite. I'm not as intimidating as my dad," I shrugged.

"Yeah..." He looked away from me oddly. Was he acting strange because of how I had cried a few days earlier. He was the one I had run into, not really a great introduction. Maybe he just didn't like me, which was fair. We were really similar in a lot of respects, I could already tell, so I didn't see how we wouldn't get along. "I don't know what to talk about. I don't usually ask people things in case I accidentally brainwash them."

"Oh, well that's okay. You can ask me whatever. I'm used to my dad erasing my quirk and catching me with his scarf. I know what it's like to be under control," I said. "Not that he's controlling or anything, but you've got to do something when your kid is all over the place." He nodded towards me. "Your quirk is brainwashing then?"

"Yes. I ask a question and if they answer I gain control," he said.

"I can see why that's a really good quirk to have in the hero world. It's not fair how physical the exam is, I mean not everyone can beat the hell out of a giant robot but everyone can be a hero. At least that's my opinion, quirk or not," I said.

"Most people think it's a villain thing," he stated.

"Quirks are not villainous, people are. You can do bad things with a quirk, but that doesn't make it bad. My quirk is healing and if I don't focus, I can actually mess up other things. I could totally mess people up, but I don't because I'm not a villain," I stated. I let out a breath, coming upon the English class.

"You think similarly to your dad," he said.

"That I do," I replied. "Thanks for...letting my dad force you into walking with me. You can just tell him no."

"It's fine. You're welcome." He peered at me strangely for a moment.

"So...what's your class?"

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