Hard Bargain | Chpt 32

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Hello bb's.


(y/n)'s POV

"So you should sit with me on the camp bus," Kaminari said, resting his case.



"Yeah, you don't have to sell it to me," I said, shaking my head. "Hey, there's this really nice girl in my med class that hasn't picked a camp to accompany. I could tell her to come with me and you guys could hang out. She could be nice for you."

"Ahh no thanks," he said, shrugging me off.

"How come?"

"I'm just...not interested."

"She's really pretty. You haven't even seen her yet," I said. He just shook his head again. "What's up with you?"

"I'm just...not interested in anybody but you right now, so I'm just going to wait that out," he shrugged. I paused, looking at him intensely, though he refused to look back at me. Like I had promised we were hanging out together. It seemed like the topic was unavoidable with us, though I wished it wasn't. It was obvious we were going about this in entirely different ways and I was probably coming off as...a bitch. I had chosen to throw myself into something else, going out with Sero. Kaminari was avoiding the situation completely, not wanting to show interest in anyone else. The roles had reversed, as I searched for something to pull me away from the feelings I had towards Kaminari. I was usually avoidant. Now he was and he wasn't at all his usual flirty self.

That made me feel guilty, making him into someone he wasn't. That and he clearly wasn't the culprit to leading me along while flirting with other people. Sure he was flirty, but he had made it obvious that he wasn't interested in anyone but me. My father had seemed relieved that I had 'chosen' Sero, but I was again questioning exactly how much power I should let him have over me. Why should I care so much what people say? Then again, I actually valued my father above a lot of other things. So should I not challenge him? The decision seemed made up, which was my fault. This was the second time that Kaminari had made it known he wanted to be with me and it was the second time I rejected the idea. I doubt it would get much better from here.

"I didn't mean to be a bummer," he said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh you're not. It's fine," I shrugged. "I just wish you were more like my father."

"Uh...weird but okay."

"I just...so he'd be more open to you. He practically tried to sell Shinsou to me and Shinsou seems more like his kid than I do," I said. "I hate talking about this."

"Then let's stop. I'm sorry I brought it up. You just look banging today."

"Oh...terrible," I said, cringing. He just smirked slightly, gesturing for me to follow him. We were hanging around the hall, waiting for Mina to finish up doing Kirishima's makeup. I hadn't noticed until now, but her door was open and she was gesturing for us to enter.

"I don't give a fuck what you do Shitty Hair."

"So you don't think makeup is unmanly?"

"Fuckin--no?! Why are you bothering me?" Bakugo scoffed.

"Yeah totally, makeup is cool. I'm just, hanging around you bro."

"You're so goddamn weird," he said. He started out of Mina's room, pausing before me and Kaminari. His eyes shifted between us with a soft 'tch', Kirishima following him still. Bakugo must've sat in on the process or at least walked in to see the final product. I couldn't get a very good look, but of course it was red.

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