Bubble Tea | Chpt 13

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(y/n)'s POV

"Eat my ass Kaminari," Sero said.

"Only if you say no homo," Ashido piped in and Kaminari winked in Sero's direction. My hand was still firmly grasped in Kaminari's as we walked. He wasn't pulling me anymore, so we were just awkwardly holding hands. At least it was a little awkward for me. Ashido led the way around a corner and I tugged on Kaminari's arm slightly. He looked over at me.

"Where's Kirishima?" I asked him.

"He's back with a classmate, Bakugo," he replied. I nodded, not so confused now as to why Kirishima wasn't with his group. "Why do you ask?"

"He's usually with you guys," I replied quietly, glancing up to a colorful shop. I felt my stomach twist as we neared. I really didn't want to make Kaminari pay for me, it just seemed selfish. We walked in, Sero holding the door for everyone, and Kaminari's hand fell from mine to head towards his pocket.

"What flavor do you like?" he asked. I hummed uncomfortably. His face contorted, reading into me easily. "I'm getting you one, whether you like it or not. It's just a drink."

"Kiwi please," I said softly and he nodded, smiling slightly. He walked up with Sero and Ashido took me towards a table. There was no one else in the shop, but Ashido held out a hand to me as she nodded towards the bathroom. She didn't want to talk at the table I suppose. I followed her to the restroom, standing besides the sink with her. She placed her purse to the side and grabbed a paper towel.

"Here, let me fix your make up," she said. I hadn't been wearing all that much in the first place, but what little I had must've been streaked by all my crying. She wiped underneath my eyes and I let her fix me up.

"You do your make up?" I asked. She nodded and I looked upwards for her. "Do you have special pink skin products?"

"Yeah, my mom knows this cosmetics person. She orders things for me," she replied. She pulled mascara from her bag, aiming it towards my eye.

"Oh no you don't have to--"

"No I want to!" she said. I blinked for her as she applied it. "So Kaminari tells me you told him your last name."

"Yeah, I figured it might scare him away," I sighed. "Obviously not."

"Well yeah, I mean you got that boy paying for your drinks! Score," she replied.

"I feel bad."

"Don't. It's a nice gesture and he seems to really like you. Always take and appreciate the free things in life," she said. She pulled out a pink powder from her bag. "I guess this could be a little blush. You're a little pale."


"That's not bad! It's just that you don't look all that lively today. It's expected, but we can fix that up a little," she said. "A little color never hurt anybody."

She was being extremely nice to me, like she had from the beginning. I felt grateful for the little gesture she was doing. She rummaged through her bag again, taking out some lip gloss. She held it out to me for a moment before stopping.

"You're not weirded out by the fact I use this right?" she asked. I paused before shaking my head and letting her place it on my lips. They were a very close group and opened up to friends almost immediately. Was I their friend? "So how's your friend Hanako?"

"Uh, she's good." I peered at her face to see she was smirking slightly. "Have you been on a date yet?"

"Eh? Oh uh no," she said, her face warming up to a darker shade of pink.

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