Short Circuit | Chpt 18

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Hi babes!!


(y/n)'s POV

"Wow! How exciting!" Hanako called, seating herself on one of the cots in the room. Recovery Girl had left us for the remaining hour we had to spend in our clinicals. Only one person had come in so far when she was here, for a band-aid.

"But no one has really come in yet."

"So? That just means no one has gotten hurt! Score for us," she said and Ryou rolled his eyes, fluffing the pillows for something to do. There was a knock at the door and in came a girl, limping so she didn't put any weight on her left foot.

"I need some help," she said. I immediately being the one closest to her offered up a hand for her to grip onto.

"What happened?" I asked, allowing her to sink comfortably onto the nearest cot.

"I twisted my ankle in gym," she replied and Hanako went straight for a report form, handing it off to Ryou.

"You mind if I touch you?" I asked, kneeling down.

"No, go ahead," she replied. I placed a hand on her shoe, steadying her ankle. I diagnosed it as a full sprain, my eyes flashing to a pale yellow to let me know it was a joint issue.

"Here, I'll make a numbing bandage for pain," Hanako said, pulling down a wrap bandage from the cabinet. There was a beautiful green leafed plant sprouting out of her skin, which she easily plucked off to make into a paste.

"I'm going to heal you halfway and with the bandage and rest you should be good," I said. "Do you mind if I take your shoe off?" She shook her head, letting me take the thing off her foot. I placed a hand around her ankle, a soft golden glow peeking out from where my hand was on her skin. Ryou distracted her by taking her information and calming her down. Even without diagnosis, it was obvious to me she was trying hard not to freak out. I stepped aside while Hanako wrapped the bandage around her ankle.

"Thank you," she murmured, allowing me to slip the shoe back on and tie it for her.

"Would you like to sit here or head back to class?" I asked and she stated she wanted to return. I nodded, quickly signing a pass she could take back. She thanked us again, slightly hobbling out. It probably didn't hurt anymore, but was still feeling odd.

"I've never seen you that up and at 'em. You were really on top of that," Hanako commented. I glanced up, seeing she was talking to me.

"Oh, yeah. I like doing this kind of stuff," I said. Not even a minute later, the door shot open as two figures bumbled in.

"You heavy oaf!" I recognized Jirou saying it, struggling to hold up Kaminari. I hurried over to her side, immediately taking Kaminari's fee arm over my shoulder. "Thank you (y/n)."

"What happened?!" I asked, helping the two of them to a cot. He collapsed onto one, his head lulled forward.

"Ugh, he got his ass kicked by Bakugo and short circuited," she said.

"Short what?"

"Too much electricity," she said, gesturing to his figure which was rocking around slightly his chin tucked into his chest. "Sorry, Aizawa-sensei said I have to get back quick. Thanks for taking care of him."

"Wh--" she disappeared out of the room and I glanced back at Kaminari. He seemed to be sitting fine, but couldn't hold his own head up. I looked to Hanako and Ryou.

"He's your boyfriend, you figure out what's up with him," Hanako said.

"He's not--oh whatever," I scoffed, pulling up a rolling stool. I sat myself in front of Kaminari, leaning over to try and get a look at his face. "Kaminari?" I placed hands at his jaw to lift his head up, immediately yanking them back when I felt an electric shock run through my body. "Ow! What the--"

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