Out of Here | Chpt 8

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(y/n)'s POV

I was bobbing beside Hanako, my hands clenched in awkward fists. Not only did I not know what to do with my hands, but also my feet. 

"I'm sorry, but you are the worst dancer I've ever seen," Hanako said and I cringed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't...I don't know how to dance."

"Oh my All Might."

"I know.."

"No, no, Ashido's free. I'm going for it," Hanako said. When I looked up, she wasn't looking at me anymore, but staring across the room.  

"Wait don't--" she dipped into the crowd and I reached out to stop her. My arms fell dejected by my sides when I failed to catch her and I was again alone. Ryou had earlier disappeared and though Hanako was convinced he had found someone and was away making out with them, I was assuming he was off avoiding the party scene like I wish I was. I saw Hanako approach Mina casually and I wondered how she did it, or rather what it was like to live with out the social anxiousness of everyday life.

"Ugh, of course a party this obnoxious was thrown by 1-A." I glanced to my side where the smug blonde boy I had seen the first day was stood. His hair was neatly trimmed and he seemed like the type that was probably more obnoxious than he realized. He thought this party was obnoxious?

"Uh...sure," I replied, figuring he was talking to me. No one else was listening to him. He turned to look at me and I took a hesitant step back. This kid was beyond creepy.

"You're not class 1-A or a hero course are you?"

"Uh...no. I'm medical."

"1-B. Superior to 1-A, but that's besides the point," he said. He wasn't the exact loud type that my father wished for me to avoid, but he was still loud and my father would still dislike him. I just nodded and turned away. "I mean, they think they're so great and for what? Clearly 1-B has equal if not more capable people. They're just a bunch of people, undeserving of the class title."

For a guy who claimed to hate 1-A and thought 1-B was equal if not better, it sure seemed like he wanted to be in 1-A.

"Neito Monoma."


"The audacity of them, I'm glad you feel the same way."

"Yeah..." He rambled on about the same things and I stood there, not knowing why of all people he chose me to talk to. I suppose it was my fault for answering. I glanced around, nodding to what he was saying. Perhaps if I just left in the middle of him speaking he wouldn't notice or not care enough to follow me. I spotted Kaminari staring at me not too far away, close enough so he could hear. We met eyes and he frowned slightly, having heard all the badmouthing about him and his class that I was just going along with.

"Class 1-A. All ignorant, truly."

"Yeah, sure," I mumbled, causing Kaminari to shake his head, walking away. I felt guilty, excusing myself and running away from Monoma though I doubt he heard me or cared. I shut myself in the bathroom for a while, leaning up against the sink. I really didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I also knew I could get him and myself in some serious trouble. I doubt telling him to his face that he was a bad influence would help explain the situation, so I was trapped. I dipped from the bathroom, coming upon the lounge again where a huge circle was forming. I spotted Hanako who was seated beside Ashido. It seemed as though she had basically ditched me for the night. Was I supposed to sit? Hanako waved me over and I ducked my head, hurrying to sit beside her.

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