Phone Number | Chpt 5

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(y/n)'s POV

"Good morning!" Hanako called, gaining just about everyone's attention in English as I entered the classroom. I shuffled to my seat with a frown.

"You don't have to do that."

"Yeah I do! How else will your morning start off right?" she asked and I shrugged. "So how was last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well didn't you tell your dad about the kid crushing on you?" I stared at her incredulously, my gaze shifting to Ryou. He seemed complacent with the subject at hand.

"First off...he's not crushing on me. He's just an annoying flirt. Second off, as annoying as he is, sicking my dad on him just isn't nice," I said.

"I'm sure your father wouldn't--" When I met gazes with Ryou he stopped, reading my expression.

"I'm his only daughter and I am quite certain he would kick him out of school if he looked at me wrong," I said. "When my dad is set on something, you usually can't stop him."

"He did expel an entire class," Hanako mused. "Yeah maybe don't tell him about..."


"Oh so you know the flirt's name?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't know mine and he won't know. He very clearly doesn't recognize who I am, either that or he's just stupid enough to continue bothering me," I said. "I don't know, I was pretty mean yesterday. I don't think he--"

I stopped when I saw the expression of my 2 new friends.


"Hey!" I pressed my lips into a thin line, turning around in my seat to peer up at Kaminari who had chosen to speak to me again. Had I been playing up how mean I was yesterday or did he just not care. "I think this was in the book I accidentally took yesterday."

He held out a folded slip of paper. I hadn't put such a thing in the book from the 1 day it had been in my possession, so it must've been from a last year student right?

"I don't--"

"Take it!" he insisted, jabbing it in my direction and I snatched it from his hand. "I'll see you around, no name!"

He walked off and I just stared at him leave, wondering what in the hell had just happened. It seemed as though whenever he was around me, I was always left bewildered and confused. Did he give off some kind of weird electric field or something? I turned around in my seat and Hanako was smirking at me.

"Hmm, notice how he didn't speak to either of us. I can't believe he likes you so much No Name," she said and I grimaced at her.

"He doesn't--"

"Just open the thing," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't have any papers in my boo--"

Hey No Name mystery girl! I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, so I'd like to get to know you! Here's my number and Ashido's too, she told me to include it :P

Listed underneath were 2 numbers and I placed the paper on the desk. If I hadn't seen how awkward he was Monday and heard the terrible pick up line yesterday I would've thought this was smooth.

"Oh my God," Ryou said under his breath, having turned the note towards him and Hanako, unnoticed by me.

"If my dad gets any whiff of this, I might just not see tomorrow," I said, folding up the note. I should have half a mind to crumple it up and throw it away in front of him. It did have Ashido's number though, and I wouldn't mind having it there. I shouldn't be associating with them anyways, but I still just slipped it in my bag.

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