Textbooks | Chpt 3

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Hello. I am deeply disheartened by the injustice towards minorities in the US. I encourage you all to do the best you can whether that be educating yourselves about these issues or donating or taking your stance with those less fortunate and discriminated against in society.

I will not be stopping the output of content as a content creator, but I wish any sort of influence I may have here will affect people to take a stand against social injustice.

Black Lives Matter.


(y/n)'s POV

My first class of the day was English and I was lucky the rest of the class called Mic, Mic sensei, and not Yamada sensei. I had already practiced adding the sensei so that I might not embarrass myself or fully expose myself in front of the class, I was too used to calling him Mic. I could hear Mic leaving already to unlock the classroom early. I was stood in the mirror a while before school began, debating if I might put up my hair. I never did outside of my house, but now that I had reason to appear less dark and scary it was something I was considering. I pulled out a hair band and brushed back my hair. I tugged it up, wrapping it in a bun and commenting to myself that I should probably cut it. I pulled a hair band around it, wincing when it snapped open against my hand. Was my hair really that thick? I deemed that to be a sign and let it unfurl back down to end underneath my shoulder blades.

My medical course was in the afternoon so I hadn't realized Ryou and Hana were in a majority of my classes in the morning. I was planning on sitting beside them for English as well now that I realized they were in that class too. I picked up my backpack, glancing in my parents' room to see my father asleep soundly. He only had to teach in the afternoon, so he typically made his way to work an hour or two after the morning teachers. It was good for him considering he had his chronic dry eye. I was thankful to know he hadn't passed that onto me and that my eyes were just naturally heavy lidded.

That was his drawback and I had my own. I could diagnose and heal all I wanted, though after a while I did feel quite drained. My main issue was my lack of healing ability when it came to myself. I did heal naturally around 2 times faster than the average person. If I were to cut myself it might 2 days to go away over the average 4. It was inconvenient in situations where I broke a bone or something that needed a long time. The healing period was cut in half, but I had to deal with it still. For others it would take just 2 or 3 healing sessions and the bones would be back in place rapidly. I obviously couldn't bring someone back to life and in situations where a person is dying, it would take a lot of my own energy to help them. I thankfully have never run into a problem like that yet.

I opened the door to the classroom, seeing that it was already mostly full. I must've underestimated the time I took messing with my hair and walking here. I took a textbook from the stack up front that we would need for the class as directed on the board and added it to the stack I already had. They were from yesterday and we nestled neatly in my arms as I walked, seeing as my bag was already mostly full with my own folders and such. I made my way in between the pods of desks Mic had set up towards where Ryou and Hanako were already sat.

I slammed suddenly into a body that I hadn't seen nor expected coming and my books fell to the floor with a solid boom, my face burning suddenly with a wave of embarrassment. I quickly knelt down to pick up my books.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry! I totally wasn't looking where I was going, that's my fault," a voice said and I trained my eyes on the hands helping to pick up my textbooks. It was like some cliche shit as I glanced up only to see it was the blonde boy with the lightning streak in his hair. I could hear the snickers from his friends and a few other people in class. "Here--woah."

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