Everyone Else | Chpt 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey (y/n)!" I glanced around to see Kaminari running full speed towards me.

"Wh—" I let out a soft yelp, my arms shooting up to protect myself when Kaminari came crashing into me. I braved myself, stumbling back with him. Everyone in the hall was staring right at us, Kaminari's arms strewn over my shoulders. I let out a breath of relief knowing I hadn't fallen, my hands having stopped him by his waist.

"Really Kaminari?" I glanced over his shoulder at Jirou and Yaoyorozu who had been following behind him.

"Awe, look at this we're hugging," Kaminari said obnoxiously and I pushed him away, a frown on my face.

"Hello (y/n)," Yaoyorozu greeted. I gave her and Jirou a solitary wave. "I was wondering if you would like to come to a gathering in our lounge? Since earlier wasn't a proper introduction for the entire class."

"Uh..." I looked to Kaminari, but I knew he'd want me around anyways. I hadn't really been sociable towards Kaminari today, not that I usually was sociable. I still felt embarrassed about how he had acted like he was showing me off, since he was getting more attention. That was vastly different than the Kaminari who had insisted we hadn't done anything inappropriate in the closet to ensure I wasn't uncomfortable. Not to mention I was horrible paranoid that my father would find out.

I didn't really want to hang out with him right now.

"It'll be cool. Our classmate Sato is making cookies and I can play some music," Jirou said.

"Isn't it just your class, that's a little strange."

"Well you're kind of like a part of our class," Jirou said.

"You're the teacher's daughter," Yaoyorozu said. There it was again.

"Come on!" Kaminari insisted.

"I guess that would be alright."

"Perfect!" Yaoyorozu replied, gesturing for Jirou to follow her. I glanced at Kaminari who was watching them leave, more specifically the purple bob that was walking away.

"You're not going with them?"

"Nah! Don't want you getting lost on the way to the dorm."

"I've been there before," I stated.

"I'm just trying to escort you," he said.

"Fine, I have to drop off my stuff," I said. He began to follow me towards the teacher apartments. "Alone."

"Awe why?"

"I already told you Kaminari, my dad doesn't need to kn—"

"He introduced you yesterday," Kaminari pointed out. So he had a point. I sighed, not wanting to admit my dad's ridiculous bias. That would certainly hurt his feelings, knowing what his type was called in my house. It was surprising Mic had never really taken offense to the rule.

"My dad doesn't really like his students in his house," I lied.

"Oh, alright I guess. I'll just wait for you outside then," he said. I felt a slight panic begin to settle in. If I didn't have at least Mina or maybe Kirishima with me, my dad would heavily question why I was alone with Kaminari. He followed me anyways, my skin growing clammy. "Ugh, you wouldn't believe the score I got on my assignment. I hate school."


"It was so ridiculously low," he sighed.

"You're having trouble? With what?"

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