Yellow | Chpt 23

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Hello lovelies


(Y/n)'s POV

"Yeah, Midnight is at the front of the school," I said. My father nodded, taking me up in an embarrassingly long hug. Hanako waited patiently between me and the door. He finally let go and Hanako accompanied me out the door. There was a gentle silence between us before Hanako began to speak.

She was interrupted as we ran into the girls that were attending the trip with us: Momo, Uraraka, Tsu, and Mina.

"Hey!" Mina called, assuming a spot at my side. There were a few greeting exchanged before I looked at Hanako to continue.

"I was just going to say I think it's really nice how close you are with your dad," she commented. "He seems like the type of dad who would let like baby you sleep on his stomach. Doesn't he have a sleeping bag?"

"Yeah, I've got one just like it in my closet," I replied. "He's a good dad."

"Oh my gosh, I can just imagine little you and Aizawa-sensei together," Uraraka commented from where she walked behind Hana, Mina, and I.

"You must've been so cute. Aizawa would be great with little kids."

"It was alright."

"What do you mean?" Momo asked.

"Well, I mean...he was a pro-hero for most of my life so he was pretty busy or sleeping most of the day. He would probably be best with little kids how you know him now. I'm not saying he's a bad dad, he's great, but he's certainly softened up and become a lot more available ever since he started teacher. That and dating Present Mic," I said, placing my hands in my pockets.

"Awe, so he wasn't around much? That's so sad," Mina cooed and I shrugged.

"Eh, it's alright. He does the best he can. I realize that now. I kinda wish I learned it a while ago considering how much trouble I made as a kid."

"You? Trouble?" Hana asked, skeptically.

"Yeah, I was a hitter. Acted up a lot when I was younger. Probably because I was upset my dad wasn't paying much attention to me. Now he does."

"I don't know you well and I still can't believe you would be a misbehaving kind of kid," Tsu commented.

"Yeah, he tries to make up for past stuff all the time now. It's mostly just being more involved in my life, which is nice. He shouldn't worry so much about it. Don't tell him I told you this but he's got a real soft spot for his students when it really comes down to it," I said. "It's like having 21 kids."

"That's a lot of responsibility for one person," Momo commented. I just shrugged.

"We're not trying to steal your dad," Uraraka blurted. I glanced back at her.

"I know. You're not, that's not what I was trying to put forth," I said. "He can do what he wants."

"Hello ladies!" Midnight called. "I never take more girls out besides just (y/n). This is exciting!"

Way to expose me even more for not having friends. I suppose I had let my rambling get the best of me today. I hadn't been so secretive about my odd relationship with my dad. Despite the obvious connection I felt with him, there were so many things under our belts that we didn't really have time or care enough to unpack them. I brought that exposure upon myself, which was why I felt even more embarrassed by my lack of friends.

"Shall we?" Midnight led the way through the office to sign all of us out. We headed down the street and I ended up walking beside Momo.

"What are you going to do with your nails?" She asked.

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