Studying | Chpt 26

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(Y/n)'s POV

"You have to help me!" Kaminari said, slamming a book on the library table. I glanced up quickly, startled by his sudden appearance in such a quiet place. The librarian shushed Kaminari who gave a sheepish and apologetic look, having forgotten where he was. He sat down across from me, giving me a pitiful look. Given how our last study session had gone, I was not too keen on doing this one. His final exams were coming up anyways, which meant he would need my help at least with the written portion.


"Everything? Please (y/n) I'm so dumb."

"No you're not, just because you struggle in school doesn't mean you're dumb. School is stupid anyways," I said.

"Not exactly what I want to hear from a future doctor but okay," he replied, flipping open the book.

"Well just reading it would be a good start."

"I already read it."

"Then take notes and study off those so you know the stuff you need to know without all the extra words," I said. "Acronyms, funny rhymes, whatever."

"I guess," he replied, scribbling some stuff down in a notebook. His notebook had small pieces of paper stuck in the binding ring from when he had ripped something out. They were each caught on a few curves of the spiral, some only attached by one remaining hole in the paper. He wrote with his notebook nearly sideways and his wrist curved that way as well.

I turned back to my anatomy skeleton, labeling each bone, ligament, and tendon. It was quiet for a while as both of us scribbled in our own papers, Kaminari occasionally flipping the page. I glanced up after a while to see a single page corner pinched between his fingers, moving it back and forth, slightly and idly. He placed a hand down on the flat pages, letting out a heavy breath through his nose. He glanced up at me staring and I glanced back at my work.


"Just making sure you're getting work done is all," I lied and he smiled, continuing on through his chapter.

"Hey, so about that kiss."

"Don't even start with me Kaminari," I warned and he smirked into the page.

"Oh come on, didn't you fall asleep dreaming of me?"


"Not even a little? I know you want to smooch me (y/n)."

"Is smooch another word for punch, because if so then yes I want to smooch you right in the face," I replied, not looking up from my work. He let out a dramatic sigh, flopping over on the table.

"You're so mean."

"Go find someone else to kiss," I scoffed, though I would very much prefer if he didn't.

"But I don't want to kiss anyone else but you."

"What?" I asked, glancing up. His eyes widened and he spluttered.

"Wh--no I mean--I totally want to kiss other girls and shit, you know, the usual," he replied. Even though I heard him clearly and his statement had rocked me to my core, I just shrugged him off as if I didn't hear him.

"Trust me Kaminari, you'd be better off getting someone else to kiss you. If my dad found out he'd straight up kill you and to be perfectly honest I don't exactly have the experience and casualty you might be looking for. Joke or not."

"But I could totally teach you!" I looked up at him.

"Are you just going to blow over the dad part or..."

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