Not the Same | Chpt 11

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Hello. OMG IM SORRY I TOTALLY FORGOT. I usually never work on Sundays but I did this Sunday, so I completely forgot to upload.


(Y/n)'s POV

I considered sneaking out of school to go find my father, but I was forced into my room by Mic after what had happened at the office. He was mildly upset with me, but mainly upset by the situation at hand. I was staring stone faced at the wall my bed was pushed up against.

"What's going on?" Mic asked.

"Once communication finally got out, All Might headed over there to help. Apparently some creature called a nomu is being showcased there. They're egging All Might to the scene," someone said. I stood adjacent to Mic, my knuckles white from where I gripped my uniform skirt. My jaw was quivering and I felt the frustration of being confused begin to settle in. This wasn't the first time my father had been caught up in stuff, but it was always jarring when it happened. I would never get used to it.

"A nomu?"

"Some freak creature, far stronger than anything we've ever seen before," Snipe said from his spot.

"What about the kids?" Mic asked.

"As far as we know, which isn't much, there's no serious injury," Principal Nezu said. Mic walked further into the room, looking over the stuff they had. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and I glanced up at Midnight.

"How are you doing?" she asked, smoothing out my hair. I stared at her for a long moment, not knowing what to say. Kayama-sama was the closest thing I had to a mother. She was strange and ecstatic about some...inappropriate things, but she had taken me out a few times to get our nails done or go shopping. I was grateful to have her around because she treated me different than my fathers did. It wasn't that Mic wasn't willing to get his nails done with me, he was actually more into it than one would expect. It just wasn't the same.

"I don't know."

I whipped a pillow across the room in frustration. My face was hot and itchy and I felt like crying. My father raised me to be less worrisome and impatient, and yet I couldn't stand waiting for someone to take me to him. I wanted to throw a tantrum because of how angry and worried I was. I hadn't answered Ryou or Hanako in a while.

"Well come on and sit, do you need some water?" She asked, pulling up a rolling office chair. I sat down in it just as someone radioed in now that they had a connection. The USJ place was cut off from a signal, but now that one of their students had brought word, they established a solid connection.

"All Might is caught with the Nomu, most students are accounted for. Some have minor injuries, but are under the protection of Thirteen."

"What else is going on there?"

"It appears that a 'league of villains' has surfaced lead by a Tomura Shigaraki. From what it appears, the Nomu was subdued by Eraser and one of his students but the attempt was unsuccessful. It was lucky All Might arrived when he did. Radio in soon."

I felt my heart drop to my sneakers and my jaw clenched. What did they mean by unsuccessful? What even was a nomu? Has it hurt my father? My heart was racing and I felt Kayama-sama's hand on my shoulder again. I hadn't realized that I had stood up.

I still didn't know what they had done to him, but I was sure by the nauseas feeling in my stomach that he had been badly hurt. The squeeze in my chest ran down my arms and through my fingertips like a painful hit from my funny bone. My toes were curled in my shoes and when I took a breath it was painful in my chest and my back. I felt like I was dying. What was so much worse about this time?

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