Disappointing | Chpt 4

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Hello people


(y/n)'s POV

"Dinner in the cafeteria again?" my father asked and I nodded. "You have your phone then?" I tugged it from my pocket, waving it to him. "Good."

"How was class today?" I asked, seating myself at the stool against the counter. I had a little bit until Ryou and Hanako would be in the cafeteria anyways.

"They're still getting used to everything," he said. "How is Recovery Girl's class going?"

"We just got into everything today. It's...interesting."

"You're going to get work hours in her office soon, right?" I nodded.

"Yeah once we learn some things then we get to essentially intern in her office during the week," I replied. "That will be interesting, working with actual students. I'm sure I'll get some kids from your class."

"And why is that?"

"I talked to...uh...Ashido today," I said. "She told me a little about the first day. You didn't say that boy broke his finger."

"Ah, yes he did," he replied. "Why were you talking to one of my students?" My father knew me pretty well and he knew I preferred to keep my distance from the students who knew him well.

"I dropped a book and she picked it up," I lied. That was the reason I had talked to her, was a book, but I didn't particularly want to relay the information that I had been conversing with Kaminari. I wasn't in the mood for any arguments, even if it was just asking for a book back.

"I'm glad you're making friends (y/n)," he said, peering at me. I nodded, my face going red. "I expect you back to do any homework, but go enjoy dinner." I glanced at the clock.

"Oh right!" I called, hopping up.

"Heading out?" Mic asked from the bottom of the stairs. I nodded towards him and he offered out an arm. I paused before taking him in a hug and I felt him peck me lightly on the top of the head. I grimaced out of the way of both of them. I liked Mic, I really did, but sometimes it was just too weird to accept him like a dad. This instance included. I headed down the hall to the cafeteria, passing by the guy with the purple hair again. I forgot I had meant to ask my dad if he was in his class. I was interested to know why he looked like he fit into our family as much as he did. I entered the cafeteria, spotting Ryou immediately. He was sat by himself which meant Hanako mustn't have arrived yet.

"Oh hey!" I watched as Ryou glanced up towards me, his gaze immediately averted towards Kaminari barreling towards me. I took a few steps back, glancing around the crowded cafeteria. There were a few kids watching us as we were now in the center of the cafeteria and I could see Ryou looked amused from where he sat. Kaminari stopped in front of me, the cheesiest grin on his face.

"What?" I asked, my eyes darting around in case he was talking to someone else. Could he not sense that I didn't want to talk to him?

"I didn't catch your name earlier!"

"I didn't give it to you," I answered simply. He chuckled, his body contorting into a pose that couldn't have been comfortable. Was he for real?

"Yeah! This is the part when you give me your name?" he said. I felt my head dip naturally, glancing up at him still but through my hair now. I must've looked either pretty sad and disappointing, or annoyed, and yet he was still making the effort to block me and learn my name. My eyebrows always dipped, my lips naturally slightly curved downwards, a tired and pitiable expression on my face.

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