You Know Her? | Chpt 14

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Hello people


(Y/n)'s POV

"You should really brush this more," I said, brushing through my father's hair. His hands were rendered completely useless, so he had waken up for help before I had to leave for school.


"Too busy to brush your hair?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "You want me to do your make up too?" He butt his head into my hip where I stood and I chuckled slightly. "Kidding."

I kissed the top of his head and he stood, offering up his bandaged arms for a hug. I took the opportunity.

"Thank you, Princess," he sighed, snuggling his face into my head. I couldn't help but consider the reason why he was more cuddly today was that his near death experience had spooked him a little. It had scared all of us.

"You're welcome."

He sat himself on the bed as Mic entered the bedroom. Mic ruffled my hair as he passed by me and I stuck my tongue out at him. I headed back to my room, tugging my hair bin down from the shelf. I pulled out two hair ties, tugging up my hair into a pony tail. I still had bangs like my father and a few framing pieces that remained untouched by the hair tie. I wrapped it around, securing it with another hair tie. There were a few ends sticking out from the bun, but I was too lazy to do it again. I ran lip gloss over my lips and decided to put a little color back into my face like Mina had done yesterday.

I grabbed at my backpack, knocking into my desk. I paused in my doorway before remembering to grab a few bills from my purse. I just had to pay Kaminari back, it was driving me crazy. I tucked them into my uniform coat. I called a goodbye to my father, noting that Mic had left already to unlock the classroom.

"You don't need anything right?"

"Nope, thank you," he replied, nodding to me. I hurried down the stairs and to English. When I got there I could see that Kaminari and his whole group was there. There was a new boy, with spiky blonde hair and a hard glare. Kirishima spoke with him quite adamantly and he just sat, barely listening. He must've been the student Kirishima was with yesterday.

I had yet to approach Kaminari myself, he was always the one to interact with me first. I glanced to Mic who was distracted by his work. I approached the group, gaining a smile from Mina when she saw me.

"Uh, Kaminari?" I asked. He glanced up, standing up suddenly. He leaned on his desk awkwardly, grinning at me nervously.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

"I wanted to pay you back," I said, taking the money from my pocket.

"Hah? It was just tea. You don't have to," he said, tugging at the back of his neck.

"I know, I just feel guilty. So please take it," I said, holding it out to him. He took it reluctantly to which I gave him a soft smile. I glanced over at the rest of the group who was watching us. "That's...all."

"Uh okay, cool," he said. I gave a small wave, heading towards my table. Well that ending was awkward. I set my backpack down, seating myself in my chair. Hanako had been watching with quite the amount of amusement.

"Paying him?" She asked.

"Him and Mina and their friend Sero were near the hospital when I came out. They invited me to join their bubble tea trip and I didn't have any money with me," I said.

"Wow so you're going to bubble tea with them? Who are you?" She teased and I just shrugged.

"You look well. I take it your father is doing better?" Ryou said and I nodded.

Loud Blondes | Denki Kaminari x Aizawa's Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now