Rebellion | Chpt 44

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Hello babes


(y/n)'s POV

Things with Denki had been going really well. The small gifts he gave me remained in a small box in my wardrobe, we would hang out almost everyday whether it be studying in the library or taking me back to the skate park to learn new tricks. I was getting rather good. We had even snuck up to the roof once to stargaze, per my request. He was sweet and interesting and fun and...

Denki was just perfect.

I only wished my father could see it the same way. Everyday it seemed as though he might already know and be waiting for me to confess so he could express his disapproval and disappointment. Before my fear of his opinion had been so crippling that I couldn't even consider dating Denki. Now, while I never wished to disappoint my father, I just couldn't see why I hadn't rebelled a lot sooner.

What really didn't make sense was why my father was so biased.

He was a good guy and he didn't judge, but this one stickler rule seemed to pervade everything else. It was all because of my mother, though I didn't really know what kind of person she was. She must've been troublesome...

Denki was intelligent, kind, lively, and he hadn't gotten me into any trouble. What was the problem? Was my mother really all that bad to have tainted my father's opinions forever? What was so horrible that he could never recover? Never even talk to me about it? I sat watching the back of Denki's head of vibrant, electric blonde hair. What did his hair color even have to do with it?

Goofy or not...Denki was good.

"And so, if we consider the following symbols finally being juxtaposed in this piece of writing..." I turned my attention back to my other father. If my own biological parent was so opposed to loud blondes, why was Mic an exception? He couldn't have been all too good of an influence, despite the good he's done now. Why wasn't I allowed an exception? It was like my father was trying too hard to shelter me. I let out a breath as Mic was interrupted by the bell. He finished up his sentence quickly, dismissing us. Making my way out, I felt Kaminari begin to follow me. He caught up, reaching Art History.

"How are you today pretty lady?" he asked.

"I'm good, how are you?" He beamed, liking that I was getting used to accepting his constant flow of compliments.

"Great! So I was wondering if you wanted to study today," he said. Study was more or less our code to doing homework for an hour and making out the rest of the time. It was...embarrassing to say the least, Mina walking in on us making it more awkward. Denki was really becoming one of those people that just loved being in contact with me. Especially kissing. I blamed it on the fact he was so new to all of this. He was just really excited and appreciative that things were going our way and that he could have me around.

I've finally got a girlfriend, he would say.

At first I had been wary that he was just glad someone...anyone had come around to fill the girlfriend role. But I had quickly figured out that he was far more excited that it was me. It was such a warm feeling to know how much he liked me.

"I guess that's a fair deal," I agreed.

"Cool, can't wait to study chemistry," he said, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Haven't we studied that enough?" I asked.

"Would you have rather I said anatomy?" he questioned and I just shrugged, messing with him a little. His face got rosy and he brushed me off, keeping himself from sparking. That was something interesting. His shock factor.

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