Chapter Eight: Hiding

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I had explained to the girls that Fred and I were just friends, with some if-you-will flirty banter. I also explained that the date he was referring to was in fact a much-needed study session. They didn't drop the situation all weekend though because whenever Fred whispered something in my ear or gave me hugs from behind they all wolf-whistled and cheered along of course this only made us do it more. I have a feeling the girls have made an alliance with Lee and George because on Monday they also started doing the exact same thing.

I had spent all weekend with the girls and by Sunday night we stayed up all night talking about our futures together as well as our hopes and dreams.

Also, we finally learnt the secret that Frankie had been keeping from us all day. On Sunday morning the day after the first task of the Triwizard Cup, Noah Coleman, the Ravenclaw from the summer had finally asked Frankie to be her boyfriend. She only used to hook up with him in her spare time, but she had been wanting to make it official for ages. We were all in awe of her confidence and experience. I couldn't help but wonder if I was the least experienced in the group. I didn't know what I was doing when it came to hookups, sex or anything.

My first kiss was with the gentle Cedric Diggory. Nothing fancy, there was mistletoe and we were 13. I was a bit disappointed really in movies I watch with on my muggle TV first kisses are supposed romantic and electric, but mine was just a kiss... From what Frankie had told us it was always so much more than that. I decided to brush it off and carry on with the conversation at hand.

They tried to get information out of me about Fred but truly there was nothing to tell. I know I did not have feelings for him and even if I did I definitely wouldn't want to ruin the beautiful friendship we have formed in the past two months. It just didn't seem fair.

After another hour of laughing until our sides hurt and a competitive game of exploding snap and finally we were ready for bed. By 1 am we were all sound asleep exhausted out of our minds. Before my eyes finally closed I took a moment to realise how lucky I was to have such beautiful friends.


On Monday morning I woke up and after getting ready I headed down to the Great hall with the girls to grab some breakfast before muggle studies. Being a morning person I feel bright and happy but I couldn't say the same about the rest of my friends, Alica wasn't too bad but Angelina and Frankie still looked knackered. I looked to my left to see my boys a couple of seats down looking very chipper. I wish my friends a good first-class and head over to the boys.

They greet me with smiles and a hello. I take a seat next to Fred and he places his hand on my back circling my shoulder with his thumb "How was your sleep, Benny?" Fred asked in an oddly caring tone. This was when the wolf whistles starting going off from Lee and George. They are so loud and are attracting attention from the whole hall. I even saw Frankie and Angelina with wide grins on their faces not looking so tired anymore.

Fred didn't remove his eyes from me although my head was darting around the hall. A few people went back to their conversations but a few girls locked in place and stayed to watch. I thought these must be Fred's conquests. But the more I thought about it the more I realised I hadn't seen him with one girl all year. I brushed the thought of and struck up a friendly conversation.

"Have you finished your Muggle Studies homework?" I said

"Yes, actually I have, thank you very much." Fred puffed his chest proudly. I made a mental note to investigate why Fred had been trying so hard in his classes lately.

I mean not that it was a bad thing or anything it was just super abnormal and I feel like no one seemed to notice except for me.

"Well great, and I'm starving."

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now