Chapter Seven: Prince Charming

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Miranda's POV:

The next few days are nothing less than bliss. Fred had pretty much walked me to class every day and through him, I became friends with Lee and George. Lee and I have talked about the Triwizard tournament multiple times the cup was placed in the great hall we were bursting with excitement, then the next few days after the selection of the champions we couldn't stop conspiring about how Harry Potter got his name in. George has changed a lot over the years. He has layers of creativity and wit bursting for attention yet he sits with a smirk on his face a little shyer than Fred. 

Fred and I had decided to partner up on the second day of school for astronomy. I love the stars. It's like the world is so much quieter when you're looking at them nothing can break the silence and serenity. Our project was assigned a few weeks later and we decided since it required lots of work outside of class it was best to meet up every Monday at midnight for study sessions in the astronomy tower until it was due. Fred and were also the only 6th Year Gryffindors who chose muggle studies as an elective for NEWTS. Fred and I have become better friends in the 1 month than I have been with him my entire school experience at Hogwarts. 

The boys' dorm consisted of them three plus two other boys Toby and Connor. I hadn't ever talked to them much but they were always friendly. Early this morning after saying my good morning to the girls; Frankie, Angelina and Alica. I was waiting in the common room for Fred, George and Lee when I saw Connor and Toby leaving the common room.

My opportunity has finally arrived.

Without another thought, I ran up the stairs and strode to the left bursting into the boy's dormitories. 

"My boys!" I exclaimed happy.

Although I have trouble sleeping at night, I am definitely a morning person. 

"How did you get in here" Lee stirred. 

"Through the door of course! Up you get boys your dining with me this morning." I chirp happily. 

The boys chuckle lightly and they start to rise from their beds, it's evident they think it's much later since I am completely dressed and my hair is parted and brushed quite neatly. I don't plan on telling them how early it is, anytime soon, as that would make them crawl back into bed I'm sure. George grabs his stuff and tells me he is going to hit the showers. Lee follows close behind bringing his toothbrush. 

But Fred lays dormant in his bed, secretly hoping I would let him sleep. He looks quite peaceful just sleeping there. His hair tame, his body untouched. I creep over to his bed to stare at him a little longer. With his eyes still closed, I see a smirk creep onto his face.

"You know I can feel you staring at me Benny." Fred's raspy morning voice took me back by surprise. I quickly remember what I here for. 

"Good morning Weasley," I say clearly. "Now time to get up"

"Nope," he looks at his watch laying on his bedside table "You might be able to fool the other guys but I know it's not nearly time for me to get up."

"When is the time for you to get up then?" I question sarcastically.

"In about an hour... or more" He retorts.

"AN HOUR!" I dramatically ask. 

"Yes," Fred replies casually.

"Not on my watch" I whisper under my breath. I stride across the room and pull open the curtains which to my delight shines sunlight directly on Fred. He groans and tries to cover himself with the sheets. But I march over and pull the sheets off him swiftly only to reveal his half-naked body. 

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now