Chapter Nineteen: Floating

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I woke up wrapped in the broad shoulders of Fred. I shook when I awoke to realise I had been stupid enough to fall asleep here. Fred only nuzzled closer into the nasal of my neck when he felt the movement.

"Fred, Fred oh my god, we fell asleep," I whispered in worry.

"Huh?" Fred rubbed his eyes to adjust to the morning light. Yes. He definitely wasn't a morning person. I didn't have time to explain. I was going to be late. Oh god. I'm sure I was already late guessing by the light that doused the snowy ground outside my window.

"Bye Weasley" I kissed him quickly before yanking myself out of bed and putting my socks and shoes on to run through the castle.

Not many people were up from the big night before, I'd say it was around 8:30 AM. But that was still too late.

My feet carried me through the hallways and up and down steps. Past the decorated castle, past the Christmas trees and past the lively portraits. They gossiped and squeaked as I ran past, I laughed briefly to myself at the painting boldness to dissect students on the daily.

I rushed up to the dorm and flung open the door, completely out of breath.

Frankie, Alica and Angelina were sitting there on the floor and their heads shot up to look at me.

"Well someone got dick last night." Frankie laughed. Without giving me time to retort to the first comment Alica cut in. "Next time plan ahead so you're not late for our traditions." She was right, we start at least by 8:00 am every Christmas morning with our gift swaps. It was shitty of me to miss it. I felt bad.

"I have a good reason." I blurted. Knowing I had made a mistake when Frankie's eyes lit up. I sat in the circle of girls and dropped my blushing face into the palms of my hands.

Angelina scooched closer itching to know. She pretends not to, but she loves the gossip. "Come on, spit it out." She edged.

"Oh no please tell me you swallowed." Frankie grinned.

"I didn't have sex with him!" I burst out. My cheeks turned red as a long tense silence grew. Then I started to giggle then everyone laughed. I was laughing. A lot. When I finally caught my breath I carried on.

"But I was with him." there wasn't a peep of sound from the other girl's. They had all turned their heads to me, eye's glued. "If you must know... am I no longer single and in a completely official relationship with Fred Weasley!" Screams went off when I had announced it. The girls congratulated me but jumped on top of me showering me with hugs. 

Murmurs of it took you long enough blended into yells. Alica was the first to initiate it leaping from opposite the circle into my startled body. I tried to fight her off, I really did but Alica has a grip like no other. She latched onto my waist. Suddenly Frankie got up and opened our dorm door shouting down the stairs.

"You fucking did it man!" She yelled so that the boys' dormitories could hear, not knowing Fred wasn't there. Laughs echoed through the common room. It was a happy moment. I will never forget it.

One month later.

Christmas brought madness among Hogwarts; it was so much chaos with all the extra students. Over the new year, my friendship group expanded. Angelina and Fred had gone back to being best buds since Angelina had been elected Quidditch captain for next year and was set on proving herself. Angelina spent most of her time frantically scribbling plays in her notebook.

The boys and her loved spending their free time on the pitch or going through plays. A couple of times even getting me onto a broom after a dramatic protest. Don't get me wrong I love Quidditch but I hate it in the Winter. It's even freezing higher up.

The moral of the story was that it wasn't only us girls anymore it was the boys too, Lee, George and Fred. My two friendship groups have merged together, and I couldn't be happier.

On an early January morning, we were sitting at breakfast with the gang minus the twins. I felt a familiar hand take mine and press kisses into my knuckles.

Good morning echoed around the table to the two twins. George was there too and decided to pop on the other side of the table, next to Lee and Alica.

"Have they drunk it yet?" Fred questioned Lee.

My heart dropped. Fred had been yet to prank me, I knew it was coming. Now, here it was. Realisation spread across my face.

"What has he done? Angelina turned to me.

"That's just the thing," I mumbled. "I don't know." I turned to Fred and saw a smug grin plastered onto his face. I knew that grin. I loved that grin. Now I feared that grin. The boys got creative with pranks.

Last fortnight when I had arrived at Charms for our practice quiz. As soon as Professor Flitwick picked up his quill he was thrown into the back of the room. He burst one of the pillows he fell on, and feathers flew around the room. The class was dismissed early. The twins had that plan all along.

"Oh Godric, we are so going down." Alica yelped.

Suddenly George, Fred and Lee burst into laughter.

"I think you'll find that won't be happening," Lee stated. "Now." Lee's whisper was cold and hard. I felt Fred's elbow knock against me under the table muttering something inaudible. He had surely cast a trigger spell and the reaction was instant.

Suddenly my body felt lighter like sparkles were flowing through me. I could feel the pumpkin juice at the back. I felt like something was pulling me up, my body started to rise and my feet lifted off the ground.

"Oh, my Merlin we are floating." Angelina giggled.

And we were not the only ones, looking around everyone minus the teachers, thank Merlin had been lifted off the ground and were getting higher and holding onto each other for dear life. I threw my head back in laughter. Looking down at Fred who so cleverly hadn't drunk any pumpkin juice this morning.

This, I decided, was probably my favourite prank from my boys. But as I floated above them, utterly helpless I couldn't help but feel a tinge of annoyance off their smug faces. I needed to get them back, especially Fred.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now