Chapter Eleven: 1,2,3

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I looked over my shoulder, again. I was waiting for outside transfiguration with Alica and Angelina, Frankie was preoccupied with Noah Coleman, her boyfriend of just over a week. She had got comfortable very fast with him and now everywhere I was to look now they were snogging.

Constantly snogging.

The worst part about it was I didn't whether I was annoyed or jealous. Whether I wanted them to get a room and shield me from their affection to each other or whether I wanted to have that kind of relationship... with someone.

I felt something lean over me and plop their head on my shoulder. "Caught you," Fred said just low enough so I could hear him.

"You know that could be us right." He carried on, to my disgust. I turned around and pushed him off me soft enough for no one to notice but strong enough for him not to come back.

"You nauseate me, Fred," I said looking him directly in the eye.

"And you make me feel alive again" He effortlessly retorted.




"Sexy" Fred complimented me again. Alica and Angelina laughed quietly. I didn't know they were watching.

The door of the transfiguration classroom swung open saving me from that conversation which could've been much worse.


I was walking to potions with George and Lee, the first time all day Fred wasn't by my side.

"Please take him away" Lee Jordan begged. "It's constant moaning on about you all the time, just take him on a bloody date, will you. At night when I'm trying to sleep, he babbles on. He is up in the early hours of the morning reading Godric knows what and then continues to have enough energy to plan everything he does for you. For the love of Merlin please take him away."

And I just as I was about to reply Fred pops up from behind us

"Yes, I think that is a great idea, Benny." George and Lee roll their eyes.

"I have been looking for you everywhere, wanted to walk you to potions." Fred stared at me but the turned to George. "You know this would be a lot easier with the map, brother"

"What map?" I chime in.

"What an idiot. Here we go." George whispers under his breath.

"Uhhh... The map to our first date, I have it all planned out... very extensive of course." Fred bit his lower lip in a panicked way.

I'm confused.

"The answer is still no Freddie."


Every corner I turned Fred was there. He constantly brought me sunflowers and jumped up behind me. One time we were in Charms and Fred just had to announce to the class I was wearing lipgloss. I didn't find this amusing, contrary to the classes belief as they all chuckled quite a bit. Prof. Flitwick was just confused which as probably the best outcome possible. Every time I see Fred he asks me to have lunch with him or permission to take me on the next Hogsmeade trip.

I can't walk anywhere without him or get any peace and quiet.

The whole school knows about Fred's mission to get me to go out with him and it makes my life so much harder. I get pats on the back and cheers in the halls when they see us walking together. Some of the things Fred does are okay; like whispering compliments to me as I walk by or giving me CD's including songs that remind him of me but everything else makes me want Pertrificus Totalus him and lock him in a cupboard until Flich finds him.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now