Chapter Seventeen: The Yule Ball Part II

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I walked back inside, my shoes were a little soggy and my body was cold. I insisted Fred go join his friends while I warmed up for a few minutes back in the common room. After arguing for a while he caved and we were back inside the castle.

I watched as he ran back into the Ball, the blue light reflecting off his freckled skin. His body tossing around in arrogance with his friends bopping to the beat. I barely got much sleep the night before and I was feeling spent. I knew Fred was only just getting his night started.

He smiled back at me blowing kisses as I turned away and around the corner to the stairs ready to make my way to the common room.

I looked down at my shoes feeling happier than I had in a long while. I wanted to skip. I was so content, that was until I heard a girl's sniffles not too far away from me.

There I saw in front of me a crying girl, removing her shoes and sobbing into the palm of her hands.

Her dress was different shades of purple and flowed all the way down her body, her hair twisted up perfectly curled, framing her face. I rushed over.

"Hermie, you okay?" I spoke softly as if I raised my voice just a little she would break.

Hermione's head shot up, as she quickly dragged her fingers to wipe away the escaping tears. "I'm fine, I'm fine, sorry I was just about to head up Miranda. No need to worry" Herimonie stuttered.

"Hermione, you know I will always be here for you." My sudden protective urges came over me. Being an only child I had opted for caring for the younger students in the school in hopes I could find my big sister role. Although this year, Hermione had taken up a special place in my heart. I knew Fred was close with her so my protective instincts were stronger than ever. I placed my hand on her back gently as I sat down next to her. I could see her contemplating whether or not to confess to me.

"Look, Ronald is just particularly incompetent tonight." Her face became lost in thought, her eyes pricked with tears again.

"I know this too well my girl. Weasley men are hard to deal with" I cut in.

"You can't talk, Fred's amazing. Ron just does not get it." Hermione blurted. A small smile crept across my face as I recalled dancing in the soft snow with Fred tonight.

"I'm sure you could snag George if you ask nicely," I quipped. Humour was always the best solution in damp cases like these.

Hermione's face turned from sorrow to laughter in a second. The smile intrigued her face with great shock and amusement. The giggles died down and she looked at me a little lost. I decided to offer my advice.

"For now, give him a minute to realise how he has fucked up" Her eyebrows raised at my swearing, I continued with a slight chuckle "and then... go for it"

"What!" Her shout shrieked and a few people heading up to bed stopped in their tracks. The blush that she tried to conceal dashed through her cheeks.

"Hermione, you are wasting so much time. Do it. Be brave. Use your Gryffindor courage." I smiled down at her. "Make me proud Granger." Hermione's eyes were fixed on the ground as she played with the hem of her dress.

"I don't even think he fancies me the way I do him. I mean look at my hair, my teeth have only just changed. If anything, sometimes I wonder if Ron even wants to be my friend." A small accepting smile played sadly across her face. It was my turn to shriek.

"What!" Hermione turned her face up to me looking alarmed. I continued. "Brightest witch of your age and you can't even see what's right in front of you. You must have seen the way Ron trips over his words when looking you in the eyes or how he looked at you tonight, come on Hermione!"

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